Shared on Fri, 06/04/2010 - 14:03MW2 Stabby Gameplay
Thanks to WePlayCoD for the tweeted link to the 'Resurgence' map pack walkthrough below. On to the CoD links:
Uploaded 3 June 2010 by TroseHAY
- CVG: 'Infinity Ward as we know it is dead', claims Braben.
- El33tOnline: GameTrailers 'Resurgence' gameplay.
- WePlayCoD: 'Resurgence' map pack preview.
- GameReviews: Call of Duty: The War Collection.
- TouchArcade: Call of Duty: Zombies II mobile app review.
The Call of Duty: Black Ops-related vid embedded below is worth watching again. VelocityGamer managed to collect an impressive amount of Black Ops intel a month before the official reveal trailer. One distressing piece of news linked below is that Black Ops will not feature a story-related co-op mode. Supposedly, it won't be like MW2's Spec Ops mode; it will be something different. I was really, seriously looking forward to playing through the campaign with my friend Matt64 and Reibo.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Leaked Info (Pre-trailer)
- PRNews: No Call of Duty: Black Ops campaign co-op? Echoed on IncGamers. Dammit. Hope it's not true.
More Gaming Links:
- Joystiq: Red Dead Redemption 'Outlaws to the End' DLC due 22 June 2010.
- Destructoid: Company of Heroes online preview.
- CVG: Killzone 3 trailer, screenies analysis.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Bad Astronomy: Jupiter asteroid impact pic.
- InfoWorld: Sure fire ways to get rejected from Apple's app store.
- Gizmodo: Are cameras the new guns? You may be arrested for recording a cop in a public space...
- DigitalTrends: First look at movie Captain America costume.
- Gnews: James Cameron confirms 3D Titanic.
- PopUrls: Wile E. Coyote found! LOL. (Thanks to RavensFirebane for the tweeted link!)
- R.I.P. Rue McClanahan.
- Joker961's blog
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