Last night before work...


Shared on Tue, 11/29/2011 - 06:12
GungalTM of the Day

 GungalTM gets some practice in with her MILES-type gear...


    Just rested yesterday, as the Missus and I were kinda pooped at the end of the day. My Effie worked a miracle with some left-over pork roast, and then we hit the hay without so much as a Skulltula slaying or lethal CoD rock slide. We managed to get a couple large errands done during the day, which pretty much wore us out. With a bit of luck, we'll get some Zelda and CoD in tonight, as tomorrow, I sadly have to head back to work for a four night rotation. But it's all OK, since the most wonderful thing in the world is coming home to the woman I love!! I'll be coming home again on Sunday morning!! Moving on...


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