Shared on Tue, 03/20/2012 - 09:05GungalTM of the Day
Bit of a late update today, as yesterday was a bit hectic; Pop's taxes took me a bit longer to do than I expected. That kinda set the whole day back and kept me from blogging in my timely fashion. Still, it was a wonderful day at home with my Effie in the afternoon. She put together a really great dinner from left over pot roast and corned beef. It was awesome!
My Gamer Gal was able to get back to Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword yesterday after she got back from her early morning training. The penultimate boss fight was hard, but she got past it with a lot less trouble than the last time she tried it. It was a really exciting thing to watch, and the ultimate boss battle is likely to prove even more difficult and more exciting. She got whupped trying to get past the last boss yesterday, but, once she learns the pattern she needs to beat him, she'll have mastered the game. I give her a lot of credit: No way I would put up with that game's blatantly cheating ways. I'd put the controller down, put the game away, and never look back, lol. Moving on...
Call of Duty Links:
- Modern Warfare 3 DLC plans extended.
- [Mobile CoD] Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies updated with new map, weapons. Also covered on Pocket Gamer; SoHood; VG247.
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] Video of Sim City's new Glassbox engine.
- [Reviews] Mass Effect 3 on DamnLag, California Literary Review.
- BioWare admits fans 'needed more closure, more answers' from Mass Effect 3 ending.
- [Spoiler warning!] Final hours of Mass Effect 3 production shed light on controversial game endings.
- [Nostalgia] Review of the original Half-life from 1998.
- [Images] Lara Croft cosplay photoshoot by Adam Jay.
Non-Gaming Links:
- [Image] Planets Venus and Jupiter from Earth. (Original image link credit: crashinburn on Reddit Spaceporn.)
- A 3D printer used to create a guitar.
- New iPad has a smart cover problem.
- iPad's 'Dictation' sends info to Apple servers.
- Massive security hole found in Apple products.
- [Feature] Spend money on this: The new iPad. No. Just no.
- [Feature] Tech icons of the '90s: Where are they now?
- [Op-Ed] Dear science fiction writers, stop being so pessimistic.
- [Spoiler!] TMNT movie changes origin of Mutant Turtles.
- Joker961's blog
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