Shared on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 04:07
All has gone well: The Robotic Overlords have been auto-posting Joker961's HQ while my Sweet Gal and I enjoyed our weekend away. It was wonderful, truly, to share her with no one, to have her all to myself for just a few days! Away from my Pretty Gal today as I prep for an ass-whupping in Black Ops from Matt and Reibo. I anticipate the Joker carnage (on the receiving end,) will be brutal, lol. Moving on...
Call of Duty Links:
- Call of Duty: Black ops review: Examiner; This Is Xbox.
- Why Facebook games don't look like Call of Duty.
- Adrenaline Vault reviews the Call of Duty: Black Ops 'First Strike' Map Pack DLC for the Xbox 360.
- NPDs: Black Ops and Just Dance 2 reign supreme in January sales.
- Business Insider op-ed: Here's why Call of Duty will never be as big as Guitar Hero. Or as extinct.
- Are Call of Duty: Black Ops problems just the loud minority? Nope.
More Gaming Links:
- Blue's News has the scoobies of a planned console Diablo 3 port. Also reported is a Diablo 3 interview and a male demon hunter.
- Crysis 2 will 'probably' will have demo, DLC.
- EA CEO: Battlefield 3 will be Game of the Year.
- Sony planning iPad rival, runs PS1 games.
- Irony Dept: Sony: Exclusives hold back the gaming industry.
- Games Industry down 5% in January (but Kinect is doing fine).
- [Youtube] Gabe Newell has video conference with high school students.
- Bitmod op-ed: Kill the messenger - Why Fox News is the enemy, not its sources.
- [Image] 25 Years of Zelda.
Non-Gaming Links:
- The Square Kilometer Array Telescope.
- What does a comet sound like? Whoosh?
- Asteroid near-miss dramatically shifted its orbit.
- New metamaterial promises to improve MRI effectiveness.
- Skull found in underwater cave may be oldest in Americas.
- Functional mind-operated bionic arm.
- TechSpot's smartphone buying guide for first half of 2011.
- Google, Sony, and Best Buy ally against Big Cable.
- Semen acts as anti-depressant. A whole new health industry is born!
- The 13 hottest Wonder Woman Costumes in pop culture history.
- Joker961's blog
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