Mere hours from Freedom!!! Weeeeee!


Shared on Sun, 10/24/2010 - 03:04
 GungirlTM Demi Moore looks
ravishing in fur and that Desert
Eagle Magnum...

    Well, as this blog entry autoposts, the final night of the rotation is winding down, hopefully. Got some relief from my recent bout with insomnia, as I managed to get 4 solid hours of sleep. Doesn't sound like much, but I've been scraping by on half as much. Got my blood work on Monday. We'll see how things develop, as it's a short week off, and I'm already tired as Hell in advance, but I might have a drink Monday evening to celebrate. (After all, it'll be a done deal, either way, and the results will be in Dr. Anti-House's hands in a week or less.)     Nothing to report on the dating front. I'm still 'waiting on a friend', as Mick Jagger once said. You never know how things are going to develop. Life is chock full of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant. Moving on...


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