Modern Medicine: Witch Doctors were better...


Shared on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 08:28

So, after seeing the doc yesterday, I got a hearty "I don't know." He's passing me off to a specialist, saying there's nothing he can do for me. Where's Dr. House when you need him... Oh, I forgot. He's fictional... pretty much lile "quality health care" is fictional. Moving on... Here are the links:

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Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 10:38
"Dr. Anti-House" LOL. You are better off with the right Specialist. GPs have their place, doing the routine tests each year and telling us what Specialist to go to when it is anything more then the flu. Im wishing ya luck, please keep us posted.
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 06/24/2010 - 10:26
Thanks, much! Waiting on work HR to answer some insurance questions for me. I'll be ranting here again. ;-)

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