Shared on Tue, 11/08/2011 - 07:05GungalTM of the Day
Lingerie GungalTM dislikes kittehs...
My beloved wife and I are planning, hopefully, a run to GameStop to get some shopping done, lol. Today, MW3 is released, and I'd like to pick up my copy, if only to gaze at it lovingly. I've tried to stay away from all the rampant spoilers which are by-products of the modern hype machine that supports games. I'd like to be surprised by the story and discover on my own those amazing moments in it that stun psychologically or visually.
Today is also Election Day in most parts in the US, meaning a boatload of incumbent rascals are probably up bright and early this AM to vote for themselves, which is more than I'm going to do today. I'm in transition between addresses, and I'm loathe to drive 34 miles, civic duty or no. I'll make up for it next year, assuming the Republic survives another year of Washington's TLC, lol. Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 4 November 2011 on Hojie7
Call of Duty Links:
More Gaming Links:
- Battlefield 3 for the Xbox 360 outsells PS3 and PC combined.
- Xbox 360 sells 57 million units worldwide. That, friends, is a lot of RRODs...
- Kinect for Windows coming in early 2012. Great, now we can flail in front of our laptops...
- Kinect + GLaDOS is slightly terrifying. This is a triumph...
- Metacritic's 25 Best Games of 2011.
- [Feature] Saving the system: Where failed consoles went wrong, instead of right.
- [Dorkly Web Comic] The problem with swords in Gears of War 3...
Non-Gaming Links:
- Mars Rover Opportunity finds a 'completely new thing'.
- Voyager 3 to switch to back up thrusters.
- A 360 degree view of a solar coronal mass ejection.
- AMD layoffs maul marketing, PR departments.
- Butt grab could lead to lashing for Iranian soccer players.
- 'Muffin test' could diagnose diabetes. Holding out for a 'double-chocolate cake' test...
- [Cracked] Five things I learned quitting the internet.
- [Images] Five new Chevy Camaro concept cars.
- Joker961's blog
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