Modern Warfare mini-matching


Shared on Wed, 01/13/2010 - 06:31

My XIM360 sensitivity settings...


From lotus13 of 2Old2Play: Inside an Infinity Ward developer's meeting

Cool, huh? One VietNam flick I didn't mention in the past 2 blogs because I haven't seen it in this century: Hamburger Hill. It's been more than 10 years since I saw it, and I don't remember a blessed thing about it, other than Courtney Vance is in it. I have the DVD somewhere. Once I see it again, I'll revisit the CoD: VietNam/movies topic.
While Reibo rested from his labors, I managed to hook up with Matt64 for a couple of hours of Modern Warfare 2. It was my first time roaming with my Joker961 gamertag on an Xbox 360 memory unit. I played on my old 27 inch Samsung 1080i (I usually game on a Samsung 24 inch 1080p). As the girls will tell you, three extra inches make all the difference. I really liked the bigger FOV better. Plus, the ergonomics of my own computer desk are much better than the gaming cubbyhole in Reibo's man-cave.
It was Matt64 and me with 4 randoms. Everyone else was apparently doing something else. We played 11 matches of hardcore TDM, pretty much losing every other match, even tho we were rarely negative. Almost all the losses seemed to be caused by somone on our team going majorly negative (and, luckily, it was hardly ever us).
We started out auspiciously on Wasteland as Spetznaz (we seemed to be spawning as the opposing forces all night), where I went 9/2 thanks to the SCAR-H equipped with thermal. We were in a lobby with some (apparently) Arabic-speaking players. They all quit after they got fragged a few times. They didn't seem to have a bad connection. One of their party got split up on our team, but he seemed to be playing fair, which was a nice change of pace.

Matt64 had a scorching game on Highrise, mowing Rangers down with his trusty RPD and going 22/11. My own highlight came on Skidrow, where 3 Rangers ate my predator around the corner from their spawn area, which we'd taken over. It was pretty super-delicious to have one of my team-mates go, "Hey was that a triple-kill?" :D Sadly, all good times must end. On the last game, I went 2/5 and we got outrageously spanked as the OpFor on Afghan. I rage-quit after that match. We finished with with 6 wins, 4 losses, and 1 suspicious draw on Terminal where a team-mate might have been sand-bagging to help his buddies.

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