Shared on Tue, 02/28/2012 - 08:24
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM Angelina Jolie shows off her good
Last Next to last day of the month, and tomorrow, I head off North for a short 3 night rotation. We had a pretty dang awesome day yesterday, as we had a bunch of errands to run, including having my Sweet Gal's eyeglass prescription tweaked. It looks like a minor lens adjustment did the trick, tho it's a bit early to tell. We capped the evening off with an episode of Survivor, watched on the web. It's not going to be a good season, I think. As my gal said last night, there's no one to root for on the show this time.
Today, my beloved Effie went off on a half-day appointment. I already can't wait for her to come home!! Meanwhile, I'm hoping to visit Mama Joker today in the AM, if I can, to see how she's doing. The old HQ has been plagued by colds and flu bugs the past few weeks, so I've steered clear of there. We'll see if all the stars align for me to make a visit.
Not much in the way of gaming news for me, since I usually don't take much time at home for gaming. It's just not a huge priority. The blog is usually pre-plugged in, mostly. Mostly. I juggle items back and forth based on news tidbits that come across the internet. I usually try to group related topics together, if I can. I depend on serendipity, and it usually works out better than if I consciously plan it, lol.
I notice that there's been a sofware 'upgrade' here on 2Old2Play, and my member points have mysteriously been reduced to -126... Guess there are still some bugs to be stomped, lol. Not sure what the upgrade will entail in terms of copy-pasta of my blog material from the blogger site to here, but i'll do the best I can. I also notice that all my blogs after Valentine's Day have mysteriously vanished into the bit bucket. Sheesh. Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 19 October 2011 on DatMexicanGuy1
Call of Duty Links:
- [Feature] Modern Warfare 3 unable to have 'perfect balance'. Or even just 'balance'.
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] Battlefield 3: 2,500 mines detonated. Whoa!
- Ubisoft talks graphics and memorable moments in Far Cry 3.
- [Interview] Operation Black Mesa and Guard Duty mod developers on PlanetPhillip.
- Valve's Gabe Newell explains the silence over Half-life 3.
- [YouTube] Playing the Xbox 360 with a Wiimote. Great... even more flailing.
- [Images] Borderlands 2 character images wallpapers from the recently released trailer. (Original image link credit: Schwachsinn on Reddit Gaming.)
- [Image] Tetris tights. (Original iamge link credit: TrueWarrior on Reddit Pics.)
Non-Gaming Links:
- [Image] Mars landscape. (Original image link credit: Para11axis on Reddit Space.)
- Gigantic black hole wreaks havoc in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster for hundreds of millions of years.
- Does overeating cause memory loss? I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday. Does that count?
- Discovery of new blood types may explain some transplant failures.
- Mexican scientists test vaccine for heroin addiction.
- [Cracked] Five life lessons learned only through quitting smoking.
- Curvaceous iPhone 5 concept art emerges.
- Judge awards plaintiff $850 in ATT iPhone 'Unlimited' data plan 'throttling' case.
- The most common cooking mistakes.
- Joker961's blog
- Log in or register to post comments
Submitted by GUL74 on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 22:44
Very good pic
Submitted by Short_Bus on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 22:54
Joker the picture today at the bottom of the blog (above Call of Duty logo) is from Medal of Honor, was that a random pic or generated based on a news story you didn't link to or use?
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 01:48
I think my reply got eaten by the site update. I'm trying to mix up the banners I'm using to separate the personal stuff from the game related stuff in the vent portion. I liked the MoH pic, so I appropriated it as a banner. Whenever possible, I like to link stories to the images to make things somewhat cohesive. It's neat when it works out...