No news is good news? Not for a blog...


Shared on Mon, 03/08/2010 - 07:03

If found, drop in nearest mailbox...

    Not much news on the Infinity Ward legal battle with Activision. Robert "fourzerotwo" Bowling, IW's community manager, hasn't tweeted since March 2nd, and his previous tweets express some understandable frustration at everyone banging away at his Twitter account seeking info. On to the links:

IGN Unsolved Mysteries
Featured MW2 YouTube Video

MachinimaRespawn 10 Lucky Knife Throws

    This next vid has some excellent gameplay. The commentary isn't game-specific; the player mostly bitches about the randomness of the spawns keeping players from reaching their potential. (Welcome to the Call of Duty franchise, mate!) Still, some great gameplay, with a Chopper Gunner massacre worth watching.

PyroPuncher GroundWar, Scrapyard, ACR, 30-3

defendthehouse Mini-myth


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