Now, all I have to do is make it home alive...


Shared on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 06:54
 This GungirlTM has back... and then some.

    [Another autopost... I'll be theoretically traveling back home when this posts on Saturday morning.]
    Well, I made it through a 3 night work week. Not an earth-shaking achievement - unless you consider that I hadn't been able to complete even one full night previously. I didn't make the Walmart mission Thursday either, tho I managed to make a run to pick up non-perishables during my lunch break. What I might do is do the same tonight and keep my food stuffs in the locker area refrigerator. I hadn't thought of that... That might actually work out OK. Brilliant...


    In the main blog, it's a Blacklight: Tango Down festival with links galore. IGN's Blacklight: Tango Down reviews (text and YouTube video) are linked. We also have a nice beginner's guide to Blacklight: Tango Down posted on YouTube by TWTHEREDDRAGON. It's a well made overview of the game, and he emphasizes that it's not 'Game of the Year' material, it's a real bargain, selling for only $15 on XBLA, PSN, and, eventually, on the PC. IGN's reviews seem quite positive, also, making me that much more determined to buy and play it. I plan on doing that this weekend. If I succeed, I'll try to cook up a review to post on the blog, physical condition and time permitting. There's a free demo available on Xbox Live Arcade (also linked below), so I might give that a spin first.
     Finally, in honor of today's bootyful GungirlTM, we've got a classic rap video. Dat ass!

Sir Mix-A-Lot - 'Baby got Back' (HD Sound)
Uploaded 17 November 2009 by FelixStudiosDE
Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
Ken Burton Show Part 77 - Bodycount

Uploaded 8 July 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

    Call of Duty Links:

CoD4 Flawless FFA - District (M1014) / Fake 10th Lobby / Grizz Clips
Uploaded 8 July 2010 by SixWinter

    More Gaming Links:

Top 10 Halo Kills (July 7th)

Uploaded 7 July 2010 on IGN Entertainment

Blacklight: Tango Down Beginners Guide/First Look
Uploaded 8 July 2010 by TWTHEREDDRAGON

Blacklight: Tango Down video review: IGN

 Uploaded 8 July 2010 on  IGN Entertainment

IGN Daily Fix, 7 July 2010
Uploaded 7 July 2010 on IGN Entertainment
 Does Jessica show cleavage occasionally?
 Yes, she certainly does.

And in the spirit of cleavage...

Junkyard129's Dead or Alive Volleyball
Uploaded 8 July 2010 on Machinima Respawn

    Non-Gaming Links:


Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Sat, 07/10/2010 - 11:13
One Day at a time Bro, youre getting there. Thanks for the Info
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 07:45
@Fish66 I'm seeing some slight improvement in my leg. Don't want to jinx it! ;-)

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