Packing up for work tomorrow...


Shared on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 05:55
GungirlTM Raylene Richards uses
the isoceles stance - which sounds
far dirtier than it actually is.

Before yesterday's trip up to St. Francis to visit with Mom, Reibo and I had the pleasure of lunch at the Cat Palace with our old BBS cohort and shooting buddy, Wayne. It was a pleasure to catch up, and Wayne had some great stories about the (literal) fireworks at Renegades Stadium. The Stadium is a grenade toss away from the HQ, so we hear and sometimes see the fireworks at the games and special events... Wayne told me I should search for the amateur vid, and was I glad I did. Look:

7-9-10 Hudson Valley Renegades Fireworks Incident

Uploaded 12 July 2010 by MrPezMan23

Awesome. Needless to say, it wasn't Wayne's outfit which blew a hole in the stadium. Foodwise, I was a good boy at the Cat Palace, staying away from the white rice or any other starchy items. I stuck to chicken and mixed vegetables. I did sneak two dumplings, tho. ;-)
Mom looked pretty good, tho a bit tired after all the physical therapy. We were excited to hear that she took a couple of shuffling steps for the first time. We're hoping and praying that it's a sign of improvements to come...

I wanted to do some gaming last night, but when I got home, my eyes were burning so bad, I just wanted to hit the hay after an extra long day. Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 video is the irrepressible Ken Burton taking the FAMAS out for a spin. The second vid is a blades only Top Plays vid compiled by ThatGuyWhoCamps. We also have the welcome return of Jessica Chobot on IGN's Daily Fix, embedded below. I've dug up a nice, jiggly animated GIF as today's Chobot Fix. Moving on...


Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
The Ken Burton Show Part 86 - Shit I Never Use: FAMAS
Uploaded 29 July 2010 on MachinimaRespawn


Call of Duty Links:

Yours Mine and Ours Top 5 Plays: Week 10 MW2 Knives and Blade

Uploaded 2 August 2010 by ThatGuyWhoCamps
More Gaming Links:

Halo: Reach Firefight Gruntacolypse

Uploaded 2 August 2010 on IGN Entertainment

IGN Daily Fix for 2 August 2010

Uploaded 2 August 2010 on IGN Entertainment

Was Jessica missed at the HQ?
Oh, yes. She certainly was.
Non-Gaming Links:

Fail Compilation, July 2010

Uploaded 1 August 2010 on TwisterFail


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