Shared on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 07:37
I still haven't got back to the Bad Company 2 single player campaign, so I'm feeling a bit guilt-panged about that. :)
Since today is a slow news day, I'd like to take a paragraph to plug the best gaming news website: Blue's News. If you visit Blue's and notice a similarity in style between his site and my blog, it's not a coincidence. Blue's News has always been at the top of my bookmarks; it's literally the first site I hit after my PC boots up. When I made my first hesitant steps into online gaming back in '98-99, there were only 2 go-to sites for me, Blue's News and Radium's map website. Sadly, Radium's site is long gone, but Blue's News is better than ever. Its delightfully minimalist style is a classy breather from the eyeball-destroying, Flash-laden gaming sites that I prowl for news items. If you haven't already, give Blue's News a try. You can also get his news items in real time by following his site on Twitter. His insightful take on gaming, tech, and metaverse news items is the absolute best on the web. On to the links:
'I Suck at MW2' An MW2 Failtage
Defendthehouse: Myth 6 of 21
- Fourzerotwo via Twitter: Xbox Live Modern Warfare 2 playlist updated to prevent players from being sucked into modded "speed skating" matches.
- Blue's News: Known Battlefield: Bad Company 2 technical issues discussed on Electronic Arts UK forum.
- Late-to-the-party Bad Company 2 reviews: Times NZ; El33tOnline.
- Aperture Games: Bad Company 2 disables after-death points.
- Kotaku: Portal's Star Chell gets a makeover for Portal 2.
- GameTrailers: Combat Arms "Fuse" map fly-through.
- GameTrailers: Exclusive Witcher 2 debut trailer.
- Fudzilla: Electronic Arts to try paid preview demos. With all the bugs and glitches in modern retail games, aren't they already just glorified betas?
- Edge Online: OnLive Streaming Has "A Lot To Prove", Says GOG.
- Big Download: Gaming PC company Hypersonic PC shuts down.
- Blues News: China net cafe FPS wall-hack cheat leads to knife in the head. (Warning! Slightly gory pictures.)
- Download Squad: Website, Sleeping Time, can calculate when you sleep via your Twitter ID. Or it could, if Sleeping Time weren't having 500 server errors from all the online stalkers hitting it.
- Joker961's blog
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