Post-yard sale exhaustion, lol...


Shared on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 11:50


GungalTM of the Day

 GungalTM Mom Kari Byron has a handful of ammo...


    As this auto-posts on the HQ, Sunday is here, and I'm sharing Mother's Day with my Sweet Gal!! Plenty of candy and greeting cards all around!! Me, I'm just hoping to recover from the yard sale apocalypse yesterday. Even coming off a nap before driving home, it was a loooooooong day, to be sure, tho certainly a good one, since I was home with my Sweet Gal!!

   Happy Mother's Day, baby!! I love you!!!




    On the gaming front, I mentioned that I had made some modest progress on Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. It's noteworthy that, before I got the Xbox situation sorted out, I was playing vintage Call of Duty 4 on my laptop. My son's missus saw me playing, and she said, 'He's playing the same game we are!' And she meant Modern Warfare 3. There surely have been changes since Call of Duty 4, but, really, it's exactly the same game now, just with some bells and whistles added. There's some talk of older Call of Duty maps being released for MW3 for free. So this may add some value to the current game for me, since I do miss some of those now-classic maps. It might be that fourzerotwo had some influence, after all, in getting some freebies out to us longtime Call of Duty stalwarts. Time will tell. Moving on...


Bonus Kari Byron animated GIF

Not exactly a Gungal shot, but what the hey...



Featured Sandy Ravage MW2 Video


Uploaded 6 May 2012 on TheSandyRavage





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