Shared on Wed, 03/17/2010 - 06:00Trinity wants me to buy her a Guinness!
Judging from the headlines on the gaming news sites, it looks like many are underwhelmed with the price point for Modern Warfare 2's "Stimulus Package". I'm assuming its called that because it will be a financial stimulus for Activision/Infinity Ward with Xbox Live taking its cut as well. Still, $15 US isn't as bad as I expected. Many of the CoD-related forums are abuzz with pipe-dream rumors of new gameplay types (like the aborted Global Thermonuclear War found by PC players), weapons imported from CoD4 (the Dragunov and M40 sniper rifles are mentioned pretty frequently), and other surprises. What IW primarily needs to do is get this DLC right and bug-free. If the release of the maps unleashes a new boatload of glitches for the wall-humping Timmies to exploit, I think I'll be done with MW2. On to the links:
- Major Nelson: Show #353: Wil Wheaton, MW2 Stimulus Package and Supreme Commander.
- Complex: MW2 DLC maps less complex than we hoped.
- Headline of the Day: GameSpy: MW2's Stimulus Pack: 1,200 MS Points, 40 Percent Less New Maps.
- Runner-up Headline of the Day: Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack Priced, Wallet Raped.
- Quote of the Day: "Well, I’m here to tell you it’s too late, and by simply having the balls to make this the price point in the first place, Infinity Ward has already won the war." And, of course, they did it first to the PC gamers, if you recall. There's a lesson there
- Kotaku: Brits build real-life Modern Warfare 2 level.
More Gaming Links:
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 review: Worthplaying (PS3).
- Nothing to see here: 1Up: Medal of Honor Extended Gameplay Trailer. Why would they release this rehashed vid only 2 days after the Tier 1 trailer?
- VoodooExtreme: Metro 2033 PC preload available on Valve's Steam service.
- Destructoid: 2K confirms Bioshock 2 on-disc DLC, tries to justify it.
- Joystiq: OnLive's Perlman would rather stay out of the hardware business.
- GameTrailers: Pach-Attack, Episode 106.
- Kotaku: War Machine Toy Captures The Essence Of Don Cheadle. I thought they did that in Boogie Nights. :D
- Kotaku: John Carmack Has Three Lifetime Achievement Awards, No Early iPad.
- iFail: Consumerist: Rhapsody Announces New iPhone Feature With Video iPhone Users Can't See.
- MaximumPC: Freeware Files: Five Apps for Advanced Virus/Malware Elimination!
- Australia considers .02 BAC limit.
- I used to joke "Hey, my feelings were hurt. Can I sue?" Not a joke anymore, I guess: Former student wins $1.25 million lawsuit for racially harrassed in high school.
Wesley Crusher Must Die
- Joker961's blog
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