Saint Patrick, Patron Saint of Hangovers


Shared on Thu, 03/18/2010 - 07:39
Happy Saint Patrick's Day
(and hands where I can
see 'em, bitches)!
I'm not an Irish cailín with a gun,
but I play one on TV...

Yesterday was Lá Fhéile Pádraig, Saint Patrick's Day, celebrating the patron Saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. As noted in the linked wiki article, Saint Patrick chased the snakes out of Ireland. If he were around today, he might be tasked with chasing the snakes out of Washington, D.C., a task which would require something stronger than a stout sail éille (shillelagh). He might use it to knock some sense into their heads, tho.
Have you any idea how difficult it is to find Saint Patrick's Day graphics which don't look cheesy? I gave up... Now try finding a graphic of a cute Irish girl with a gun. I had to settle for Gabrielle Anwar from Burn Notice, whose deliciously vicious Fiona Glenanne is one of my all time favorite gungirls.


(Just watch a few seconds)

Willem Dafoe Boondock Saints



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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

The only Irish music I can stand...

My favorite version of Danny Boy
from the Coen Brothers' epic,
Miller's Crossing.

     Fun Facts about Miller's Crossing:
  • The actor who does the "Thompson Jitterbug" in the window wasn't strong enough to hold the Thompson submachinegun, which weighs 10.8 lbs. empty, aloft during the entire sequence, so a stunt man had to do it for many of the shots, no pun intended.
  • When Albert Finney is banging away with his Thompson in the street, he was aiming the ejecting brass at a trashcan on a bet from the Coen Brothers.
  • In the scene where Tom Regan (played by Gabriel Byrne) barges into the ladies room, Albert Finney has an uncredited cameo, in drag, as an elderly maid. Watch quickly, as he/she crosses him/herself and bolts from the room.

Theme from Miller's Crossing 


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