Saturday is pretty awesome, lol!!


Shared on Sat, 11/26/2011 - 06:39
GungalTM of the Day

 Apocalyptic GungalTM takes aim with her Glock...



    The infamous 'Black Friday' shopping rush came and went for Effie and me without any fuss. We had the bulk of our shopping done last week, so we could take our time getting any other shopping missions done. We're keeping it simple this Holiday season, lol, owing to simple poverty.

    My gal has made some significant progress on Zelda: Skyward Sword. I watched her play after Thanksgiving dinner for about an hour. I'm still impressed with what the Wii manages to do with 'standard definition' graphics, too. 


Happy Birthday, ReiboChief!!


    Today we also celebrate Reibo's birthday, as my younger brother marks another anniversary!! Happy birthday, Reibo!! Our planned gaming day didn't come off due to illness, but we're hoping to reschedule. Moving on...



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