Stimulus stimulating you yet?


Shared on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 08:10
Far from practical... But it's teh hot!

    Reading about Battlefield: Bad Company 2's multi-player, it appears there's a bit of a movement to nerf the M60 machine gun. It's overpowered, say the cry-babies. As far as I can tell, from the limited play time I had in the beta, the LMG is powerful, but not overpowered. Besides, the Medic class is the only one without any anti-armor capability. Why completely emasculate the class? But that's the cycle in games sometimes: Pussify the best guns to please the most vocal douchebags. The linked BC2 video for tomorrow's blog is chock full of complaints. (I almost reached through the screen Freddy Krueger style when the poster moaned about vehicles in World at War... ) The biggest news yesterday was Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package preview on Inside Xbox Live. A YouTube version is linked directly below. The maps look really well made, with a lot of detail and variety. I'm committed already to buying them as a kind of second chance for Infinity Ward. If IW manages to release these maps without a bunch of cheating glitches, it'll make me very happy. On to the links:

MW2 Stimulus Map Pack Preview


Featured MW2 YouTube Video

Modern Warfare 2: Domination #7 - Afghan
by DubbleJord

Defendthehouse: Myth 7 of 21


    More Gaming Links:

    BASHandSlash: BFBC2: A new perspective.

Bad Company 2: M16 9 kill streak

YouTube: IGN Daily Fix for 23 March 2010 with
the luscious Jessica Chobot

    GamaSutra: Opinion: Doing It For The Kids - On UK TV's Latest Games Panic. Particularly delicious is the afternote that one of the most vehemant anti-gamers, voice actress and "sexpert" Julie Peasgood, performed in a violent videgogame herself.

Julie Peasgood, "Sexpert"
Nice cleavage, anyway...

 Gameplay United's Top 5 Plays (Multiple FPSes)


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YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Thu, 03/25/2010 - 09:17
People are really crying about the M60? Can't say I've noticed it being a problem and I have over 70 hours played
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 20:44
Yup. I posted the crybaby vid in the latest blog update.

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