Sunday at last...


Shared on Sun, 08/21/2011 - 06:58
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM Jolene Blalock likes her SF guns really big...
    So, back home again, and the Fish Fry was a tremendous success!! Trying to catch up on chores at the HQ bunker a little bit today, then it's off to see my beloved Effie!! On Tuesday, there's a gaming night tentatively scheduled, so I'm hoping to get online for real then, if all the stars align.
      Sure haven't had much time for gaming lately. I'm anticipating a rough week at work, tho I'm on the books to take off Saturday night. That should take the edge off somewhat, as my Sweet Gal and I try to take a teensy getaway for some rest and recuperation. Moving on...
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Uploaded 15 August 2011 on CODblackopsXBOX


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