Shared on Sun, 09/11/2011 - 06:23GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM stands guard...
Ten years ago today, our nation was attacked. It's very Heart and Soul were attacked by terrorist cowards who intentionally targeted innocent civilians. All hair-splitting aside about casualties of war and prior US acts against enemy civilians in wars, our Nation responded with righteous anger. It was and is apparent that the conflict would be long and exhausting. The enemy we face is numerous, determined, scattered, and prone to hiding among innocents in order to further their despicable acts of murder and terror.
We may not live to see the end of the struggle. Has our National Will been exhausted? Has our attention span atrophied to the point where we'll throw in the towel and let the terrorists prosper? It remains to be seen whether our determination will stay strong. For the sake of our Posterity, I pray that it does.
On my way home to take my beloved Effie in my arms again!! And that makes anything better!! Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 6 September 2011 on GCNmaster22
Call of Duty Links:
- Modern Warfare 3 preview on HolyFragger.
- [Closing the barn door] Call of Duty XP: Kamikaze kill streak scrapped from World at War.
- [Image] Black Ops branded Xbox 360. (Credit: geobomb on Reddit Black Ops.)
More Gaming Links:
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution ships 2 million units.
- Battlefield 3 'Operation Guillotine' trailer on ActionTrip.
- ARMA 3 website launches. Link to the official website is here.
- [Video] Halo Anniversary multiplayer interview (HD) at GamesCom 2011.
- Crysis hitting Xbox 360 and PS3 in October, with 3D support. Here's a PC versus Xbox 360 graphic comparison. (Picture credit: koreanzerg on Reddit Gaming)
- Max Payne 3 emerging from 'development hell'.
- [Op-ed] The Nintendo 3DS must relaunch.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Brightest supernova explosion will be visible.
- [YouTube] Watch a supernova tonight!
- Kepler spacecraft discovers 'invisible world'.
- Mystery of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
- Swirly Moon markings still a mystery.
- High speed videos show how hummingbirds hum.
- Former President Clinton makes huge gesture at Shanksville Flight 93 memorial site.
- [Slideshow] Dedication of the Flight 93 Memorial site.
- [Op-ed] Whatever happened to 9/11? It became old news, common in today's fast-paced, short attention span 'culture'.
- Joker961's blog
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