There's no place like home!


Shared on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 08:32
 GungirlTM covers her eyes - but not
her sumptuous cleavage...

    I've been back to work almost a month, and I think (knock on wood) that my leg is gradually improving. It doesn't swell nearly as much as it did the first week and the pain is a great deal less. I certainly hope the trend continues, as it's going to be a tough month with all the stuff going on at the HQ. As this blog posts, I'll be rocketing eagerly back North to take care of business at home...

    Today is the 1st of August, after the first Roman Emperor Augustus. Augustus was the nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, mentioned back on The Ides of March edition of The Vent. Tho Julius Caesar got multi-stabbed despite thrice refusing a kingly crown, Augustus, originally called Octavius Caesar, became a king in all but name, setting the stage for a buttload of Caesars, Czars, and Kaisers to come. Augustus is a particular favorite of mine, as he was portrayed in PBS's 1976 Masterpiece Theatre series I, Claudius by one of my all time favorite actors, Brian Blessed. Brian Blessed is known for playing bigger-than-life characters - from the fictional Richard IV from The Black Adder to the hawkman Prince Vultan in 1980's Flash Gordon.
    August is also the month of the 'dog days', and I'm bracing myself to endure my work days up North during the rest of this global-warming summer. My flat is a second story apartment - really a converted bedroom in a house converted to apartments. The heat rises like crazy and turns the efficiency apartment into a convection oven.
    Today's featured vid is an MW2 Free-for-All on Overgrown by LegitGamingUnion. The follow-up vid is a collection of Top 5 killstreaks by OpTicJ. Moving on...



Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
'Forget Tactical Gameplay'

Uploaded 30 July 2010 by LegitGamingUnion

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Top 5 Killstreaks, Week 1

Uploaded 30 July 2010 by OpTicJ

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looks much better than

Yikes. The zombies have already won!



Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 09:38
Thanks for all the Info Joker. Glad to hear you're on the Up-Swing, I hope your Mom at least balances out too. BTW, being all "Clean and Fresh" during a Zombie Apocalypse? I don't think so.
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Sun, 08/01/2010 - 20:17
@Fish66 Thank you for the good thoughts. She's doing well in rehab, tho the blood thinners have left her all bruised up. Speaking of Zombie Apocalypse, have you ever read 'World War Z' by Max Brooks? He's also the author of The Zombie Survival Guide. Both excellent zombie-themed books.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 07:15
@Joker - I have "The Zombie Survival Guide", go figure, but not "World War Z". I'll look into it, thanks.

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