Shared on Sat, 01/28/2012 - 00:43GungalTM of the Day
IDF GungalTM about to doff her boonie hat...
As this auto-posts on the HQ, the last work day is here, and it's scheduled to be a short night!! I plugged in a half-night vacation to rest up before driving home tomorrow morning. I'll be home tomorrow by the time my Sweet Gal gets up for her morning coffee!! Effie, honey, I love you!!! I'll be home tomorrow.
I never gamed yesterday, as I was kinda in key low mode overall. My sweet Gamer Gal was a bit under the weather yesterday, but I'm hoping she feels better today after a good night's rest.
In today's news links, there's a link to the countdown to the 1000 person FPS. That's one thousand players shooting it out online at the same time. It's amazing to even contemplate that many fraggers going at it when 16 players strains the console's capabilities. I recall playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on the PC, and with 32 players, maps made for consoles tended to be chaotic bloodbaths. It boggles my mind to think of 1000 players all gibbing each other over and over, lol. Moving on...
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 22 January 2012 on youtubedude
Call of Duty Links:
- [Modern Warfare 3] 'Liberation' and 'Piazza' DLC maps gameplay on GameSpot UK.
- Imprisoned Megaluploads bigwig Kim Dotcom loses number one spot on Modern Warfare 3 free-for-all charts. Guess they don't have Xboxes in the slammer...
More Gaming Links:
- [Countdown] The 1000 player FPS is supposed to take place tomorrow, 29 January 2012. I feel a great disturbance in the Force...
- [YouTube] Street Fighter X Tekken cinematic trailer.
- [Review] Zero Punctuation reviews Sonic Generations. (Not safe for work language as usual.)
- Six player co-op for Resident Evil 6?
- Resident Evil 6 is Capcoms biggest production ever.
- Diablo 3 official system requirement announcement.
- [Preview] Diablo 3 tweaks mean more waiting, but it's worth it.
- [Feature] How Diablo saved the computer RPG.
- Blizzard confirms no Blizzcon for 2012.
- THQ to focus on core IPs; new games for Company of Heroes, Warhammer, Saints Row.
- Real world violence blamed for increase in video game violence.
- [YouTube] Left 4 Dead trailer with 28 Days Later soundtrack.
- [Gallery] Street Fighter Tron.
- [Image] Seras Victoria cosplay from Hellsing alongside pudgy zombie. Bonus pic: No zombie.
Non-Gaming Links:
- [Feature] Apollo 1: The fire that shocked NASA.
- Cancer vaccine trials begun.
- Tiny amounts of alcohol dramatically extend a worm's life. But why? The worm turns, lol...
- [Nano-news] PRINTed nano-particle delivers one-two punch to prostate cancer.
- [Video] How military drones are changing war.
- [Feature] The ten most (and least) accurate science fiction movies.
- [YouTube] Archetype, home made $0 budget SFX trailer.
- Joker961's blog
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