Shared on Mon, 05/23/2011 - 07:16Well, as this auto-posts on the HQ, I'm dealing with doing most things one-handed. (Hey, shut up and sit down back there!) The stitches allegedly have to be taken out in 7-10 days, and I can't frackin' wait to have them out and be fully mobile again. The only thing making it at all tolerable is that I got to see my beloved Effie a day or so early. It was marvelous just to have her commiserating with me over my stitched up paw, lol.
My Pretty Gal and I went to see Thor, and it was a very good movie. It wasn't going to give Citizen Kane any worries, but it was a crackerjack action movie. The 3D effects are the best I've seen so far (keeping in mind that I didn't see Avatar in 3D, tho I might be able to remedy that this Summer). Some might consider the positioning of characters, plots, and exposition for future, related flicks (Captain America, The Avengers) as mere shameless marketing. But I actually liked it. That kind of insider referencing is a geek's bread and butter. Moving on...
Uploaded 16 May 2011 by AngryMonkey42
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