Shared on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 10:51Some of this is a refresh from a couple of weeks ago, but it all flows together. Read be blessed.
So I have been sitting with a bunch of pretty exciting stuff going on for a while now but have had a terrible time of putting it into words. I will go ahead and tell you ahead of time, it might be lengthy but you will be blessed.
August 18, 2008 at Bradshaw Farms Golf Club a tent was set up to have a “few” people over for some seriously yummy BBQ and a little fund raiser for a little 2 1/2 year old girl. The things that happened that night were phenomenal. Jim said it right on when he said “God took a tent and made it a tabernacle” and that is exactly what happened. I have to tell you that we have some pretty amazing people that God has placed in our lives. I can’t name all of them because I might leave someone out. They are mentors, shoulders to cry on, there at the drop of a hat, no questions asked, stand by you through anything and everything, and love the fire out of Megan, our family but most important Jesus Christ, amazing people. We have a DVD that the amazingly talented Steve Hartung put together of that night that we are going to try and get on You-tube for you guys to look at. Megan calls it the “Megan Movie” and likes to watch it over and over again. Anyways, there were so many people there. Lex Luger (former pro-wrestler) spoke that night. Man, his testimony is wonderful!!! That is a changed man! Brian Daniels, who has an amazing gift from God, did some beyond amazing (if you don’t get chills by watching him, you might want to get your chill bumps checked out)paintings. We also had the opportunity to share a little bit of our story with some people and how God has used this to work in our lives. We will never forget that night. This doesn’t even begin to describe how awesome that night was. Being able to share with people how God has used these circumstances over and over again for His Glory was the most humbling experience.
You would think that would be it, but we all know God better than that. He doesn’t stop halfway. As you all know this week we had been looking for a hospital bed for Megan. Well, we had been working with some very special friends of ours on finding the right bed for Megan. Have you ever prayed for something you think is a pretty small deal, like a bed? If not, I recommend doing that. We came across a few numbers of people that were selling beds. So, we started praying for a bed. That it would be the right bed for Megan and the people that we received the bed from would be who God wanted us to get it from. I had called a couple of numbers and it just didn’t seem right. I go down my list to this other number that I had. I called the man, who was very nice and asked him if I could come out and look at it. After I hung up with him, I knew that there was something about this bed and this couple. Thursday, Eric, our wonderful Sunday School teacher, and I went out to their house to see the bed. It was wonderful! It had everything that we needed to make Megan comfortable and help her sleep with a little less pain. While we were there they invited us to sit in their sitting room and we chatted a lot. Out of the blue, pretty much, we were able to share about what happened on August 18th. We talked about the beautiful painting that we have from that night of Jesus on the Cross and how much Megan LOVES it! We were able to tell them about how God was all over that tent that night and many other things. We left there to work out some things on getting the bed and couldn’t believe what an awesome opportunity we had. That was no chance meeting, you know? Later that evening Jim and Eric went back over there to help load the bed up on David’s trailer so he could bring it over to our house. Jim rode in David’s SVU and was actually able to witness to him. He shared the Gospel, told him everything that he knew and how Christ had worked in our lives. The really neat thing too was they live right down the street from our church. He had a lot of questions and was very interested. When they got back to our house, Megan walked out with me and gave David a hug and told him thank you so much for my new bed and I love you. That will melt anyone. We had a print of one of the paintings that had been done that night of “The Crucifixion” and sent him home with one. Jim, Eric, and myself stood out on the driveway telling him we were so glad to meet him and we will keep in touch with him. Because of God using Megan we will be able to go visit him again because he wants his wife to meet her.
I would love to be able to tell you that David accepted Christ that night. He did not, however, a seed was planted, which was so awesome. That bed was a wonderful gift from God. One of so many! By the way Megan loves it. The first night she slept in it, she had no choking or tummy problems. God took something so simple as finding a bed and turned it into something so special and amazing! He showed us, once again, why we are going through this. I became a little sad when I saw her bed set up in her room. You see, a crib is something every baby has, but this is different. Another piece of equipment that screams, YOUR DAUGHTER IS SICK!! However, if Megan had not needed a bed like this, we never would have met Mr. David and his wife. We would never have had that opportunity to share with him what Christ did on the cross and how He has worked in so many ways. And He took a little girl, a disease, an event on August the 18th, and a bed and used it all and continues to use it for His Glory! You guys, I know I have said this many times, but it is worth repeating. It’s not me, Jim, Megan or anybody else. It is Christ! And if He can use a 2 1/2 little girl like Megan, He can use anybody. I am just going to step out and say, it is time that we get over ourselves and share with people how amazing He is! It’s not about us, it’s about Him! What’s stopping you? Probably the same thing that stops most of us. Fear of not knowing the right words to say, maybe we have some issues within ourselves that we need to work out with God, or we don’t feel like we have enough “Biblical” knowledge. God does not call the equipped, he equips the called. Always remember that. He is, has been, and will continue to do some really exciting things.
We are blessed. Simple as that. Blessed beyond measure! Is it about material things? TV, sorry guys but there is way too much emphasis put on that these days when we could be doing other things, money, cars? Nope, because one day those will all go away. Thank you Eric for the wonderful Sunday school lesson this week. We are blessed because of Christ. We are so humbled to have been able to meet David and will never forget that day along with so many others. Will you join us and continue to pray for David? Someone said the other day, I don’t know how you could go a day without seeing Megan’s special face. Well, we agree. Seeing her face and how much she loves Jesus, well that’s a blessing in itself. She is doing phone concerts for people of Jesus Loves Me and Jesus Loves The Little Children now. She had to call “her Eric” to sing to him the other night before she went to bed. So, if you are interested, give us a call and she will be more than happy to sing for you. We love you guys and have a wonderfully blessed week!
- JollyRoger's blog
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Submitted by CMA on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 11:31
Submitted by JollyRoger on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 08:05
Submitted by CMA on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 14:58
Submitted by jquack on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 21:13
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 10:59
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 09/02/2008 - 11:13