Art of the Living Teabag


Shared on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 21:10
So the other night Mulch, Flap, Meef and I started up a custom game.  Meef apparently had to step away for one reason or another, so we just teamed up on him, hunted him down and killed him.  Then we came up with the idea of teabagging him while he is still alive.  Mulchinator came up with an even better idea:  "Let's video capture it!". it is!!



Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 06:53
That never gets old.
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 19:12
Awesome vid cap - thanks for getting that Jonny!!!! I'm so proud of us!
hubristes's picture
Submitted by hubristes on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 22:06
What? Taking advantage of a guy while he's taking care of his kids or something is fun? I thought this clan was about respect and teamwork... oh wait, yeah that is freaking funny. Awesome job.
agedsandshark's picture
Submitted by agedsandshark on Sun, 04/08/2007 - 23:57
YEA!!TAKE IT MEEF!! SO funny we need more of it!!!
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Mon, 04/09/2007 - 01:05
that was an AWESOME video...good job guys! :) :) :)

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