The Jericho Files #4.2


Shared on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 17:27
What a day......Looking forward to a night of gamingness. Gamefly is sending me Mass Effect, which is good because i think I'm tired of FPS's for awhile...I need to fall in love with an RPG again. So we'll see how it goes.

As promised, here is The Jericho Files #4.2...enjoy!

The Jericho Files #4.2

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, Mr. Carey"

That voice was unmistakeable. I almost didn't believe my own ears when that sentence was uttered. I turned my head slowly to see the group of masked men part, and the owner of that voice step forward.

By his appearance, one would take him for an ordinary individual. But I knew him as more, so much more. His thin wiry frame would make one assume he had no possible contribution to society. But I knew better. Beneath that thin, bony face laid the brain that helped design this factory. The hands that held a Glock9 pistol also helped build the very security system that had kept me prisoner. The man who was pointing that Glock9 pistol at my forehead, was my confidant. My most trusted business partner.

He was Howard Rames, my second in command.

"Howard," I said, "Would you mind telling me exactly what you are doing holding a pistol to my head...instead of them?!"

Despite this obvious betrayal, I seemed to be remaining quite calm. It surprised even me. Howard and I had met several years during a business transaction gone bad. A shootout ensued and me and Howard ended up aiming for the same people. After the hostilities had died down, me and Howard decided that maybe working together would save us time, money and aggrivation. We pooled our resources. His brain and my connections proved to be an unstoppable team. We began to 'redirect' shipments from all over the world to our own location. Our warehouse began to fill so quickly, we were having to expand weekly. Our team seemed unstoppable.

Or so I thought.

Howard chuckled. "You always were one for humor, weren't you Carey? Unfortunately, the jokes on you this time. It's always been on you. Too bad you were too wrapped up in your "business" to see that I've been trying to trap you since our partnership began."

"It only makes sense, Howard. Who else could break the security system? Who else knew about the fence? Who else knew exactly where the shipment these men are here for was located at?" I said calmly. I wasn't angry...not yet. I had learned a long time ago that eventually, everybody will betray you. So I make certain....precautions.

"Now stand up" Howard flicked the gun at me. "Let's take a walk and go check on that shipment. We have an interested customer."

I was lifted to my feet, the laptop falling from my lap to the floor, as I was shoved away, I glanced at the screen. The words Transfer Complete stared back at me. It was only a matter of time now before the security system would be completely useless. I walked with the group without protest. If I was going to get out of this alive, I would need to be smart and not fight until the right moment.

Howard for the most part was remaining quiet. For a man who had betrayed someone as prestigious as myself, I expected more gloating. But what can I say? People tend to surprise you.

We walked through the large containers in the warehouse, heading towards their prize. Container #1319203. I don't blame them for fighting so hard for this container. It contained something that could make it's owners very very rich.

We left one warehouse and entered another. The containers would seem like a maze to anybody else. But to me and Howard, it was second nature to navigate them. It's no wonder his masked cohorts were able to find me so quickly.

"You're unusually quiet, Carey, for someone who is about to have a prized possession taken away from him" Howard said to me.

"I find it hard to believe that any possession is worth the fight. There is always something more valuable." I spoke in a reserved tone. Howard wanted me to be angry over this, I wasn't going to let him enjoy this moment at all. Besides, in a few short minutes, he wouldn't be enjoying anything.

As we passed through the warehouse, I could only hope that Howard hadn't remembered my inner security policy. The cargo in that container was precious to me, and when it comes to precious things, I take extra precautions. I had an inner security system installed in the next warehouse. It was a separate entity from the automated turret system I had turned against me. This system was much more sophisticated and deadly. It was impossible to turn it against me because the system had a double encryption on it's passwords. It could never be cracked. I had the world's most famous hackers attempt it. They walked away in frustration.

If Howard knew about the system, he wasn't letting on. He seemed quite proud of himself to have gotten this far. It was time to put him in his place.

We entered the final warehouse. As we drew closer to the container, I faked a loud sneeze. The group immediately had their guns on me. I could tell they were nervous by the slight wavering of their guns.

Howard stopped his stride and turned to face me. He walked towards me until we were face to face. He took his pistol and pressed it against the bottom of my chin.

"You allergic or something?" Howard asked, the look on his face had me concerned.

"Only to backstabbers" I said through clenched teeth. He deserved that shot and then some. He would get what he deserves as soon as we opened that container.

Howard sneered, and pulled the gun from my face. He kept walking through the containers. Howard was too angry from my comment to thoroughly think through my actions. My sneeze was an activator. That loud noise was high enough in decibals to activate the inner security policy. As soon as they opened the door, the security system would ensure the cargo was never touched.

As we approached the container, Howard suddenly stopped. He pointed to me. One of the masked men grabbed me by the arm and led me to the front of the group. Howard shoved me towards the container door.

"Open it" he said. His sterness was admirable, but not very effective.

"Are you scared of something, Howard?" I said, with a challenge. Howard did not like being messed around with, and he proved this by sticking the barrell of the gun in my ear.

"Do not mess with me, now open it." Howard pushed my head away with the gun.

I was in a tough spot now. By opening this container, I had a high chance of taking the full blast of the security system's countermeasures. Therefore, voiding my chances of getting out of this alive. I surveyed the situation.

One way or another, I was in deep trouble.

*to be continued*


AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 18:59
Thanks. No worries, I wasn't having a meltdown, I just like to sound panicked it sets the atmosphere quite nicely, :D I am going to start right now.
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 16:01
Didn't read it. BECAUSE I haven't read 4.0 or 4.1 yet. When I do I will come back to this one. :D Are they in your blogspace somewhere?
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 16:03
Now I am uberconfused. I went looking for the files and found 5.3!! Where do I start? Are they interrelated? I can't read one without knowing the beginning! I need help here! :D
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 17:36
relax they go up so start with #1. So go from there that was my first blog entry Each "issue" deals with an individual story. If the story has to be continued, I added a .1 to the title I ended up realeasing issue #5 before issue #4 for stupid reasons. So it goes ilke this: #1,2,3,4.1,4.2,4.3(not out yet) then #5.1,5.2,5.3 Enjoy and pm if you get more confused

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