An Obituary


Shared on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 16:29
It is with a heavy heart that I inform those not related to me that my duties as "your computer guy" are officially over.

Earlier this week, I had a side job at a church I help out from time to time on their technical stuff. I helped setup their projection system and helped network all their computers. They wanted help because their projector computer was not connecting to the internet. I went and looked at it, and the network card was gone from the device manager. Ok, no biggie, just check some things here and there. Decided to try and repair the OS to see if it's a software issue. I decided to use HP PC Recovery because I didn't have an XP CD and I figured it would work quickly.

Well, even though the HP PC Recovery screen says "nondestructive", it decided to wipe out their profile. All Documents, All pictures, $1000 worth of iTunes music: deleted.

I've been on the bad of end of computer mishaps before. This isn't the first time I've had to deliver bad news. But I think it's my last time. I officially last night decided to quit doing side jobs. I'll of course by obligation help the family and whatnot, but outside of my job (which is 8 straight hours of fixing computers) I'm done.

I enjoyed doing it because it kept me fresh in dealing with computers in a non-perfect environment, but I really hate having to take the time to deal with it all. Especially big jobs. The extra money is nice (especially with gas prices being high), but I'm done.

Anyone who wants to hold a ceremony and say a few words, let me know. We can have Spartans be pallbearers    :)


Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 17:07
man that sucks, i have been there before for friends i have helped, were it seemed like everything was going to be ok then bam a whole mess of not what i wanted to deal with.
TheCarnivalAngel's picture
Submitted by TheCarnivalAngel on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 17:12
Yeah, I'm not good with computers but since I type fast on one everyone thinks I am. So now when people ask, I never say, "I'll try my best." I instead use the line, "Unless you want you computer to smoke and blow flames, I wouldn't let me near it."
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 20:52
An Ode to the Computer Guy Oh computer guy, computer guy, Where has your time gone by? Through networks and fast keys why can't you help me, please? What, you don't do that anymore...? But why are you so sore?? Your a great computer guy! A little slip here, a little slip there Who cares if they no longer have hardware. You have a gift, So do not shift, Your a great computer guy! But I suppose if you must, We all can trust, That you'll help us out, When in times of doubt... 'Cause you are a great computer guy! :D
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 22:40
Autumn, Greatest poem ever, since it's talking about me! Thank you for that.

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