PS3 a DVR, too?


Shared on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 08:25

Alright, I'm going back and forth on my love / hate relationship with Sony.

For the unitiated, I thought highly of Sony's price cut but then when it turned out to be nothing more than a clearance strategy, I immediately rescinded my compliments.

Now it appears Sony wants to make the PS3 a DVR (from Engadget) :

"It's been rumored before, now Sony's marketing manager for Computer Entertainment in New Zealand has apparently, and likely pre-emptively, unveiled Sony's intentions to turn the PS3 into a digital video recorder. Sony's Warwick Light is quoted in an interview with New Zealand's The Press as saying, "We're also hoping next year - about the same time that Freeview launches its terrestrial broadcasting service (expected to be in March) - to release a digital tuner for the PS3, turning it into a programmable TV recorder."  "

First of all, they have GOT to get that price down.  You simply cannot sell this thing to the average American consumer for $600.  Assuming they can knock $200 off the price by mid next year, I'm in.


webmonkee's picture
Submitted by webmonkee on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 10:16
I don't think I need a $600 DVR. I pay $5 a month for mine and it records in HD. it's good functionality to add, but, if I was not a already a wanna-be purchaser, this would not put me over the edge. There's too many other ways already out there to record TV shows. I can already do it with my DISH DVR and my computer. Still, added functionality for the same price is always a good thing if you are interested in a PS3.
JRock3x8's picture
Submitted by JRock3x8 on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 10:45
the one thing that your HD DVR doesn't let you do is access your recordings on any other device than your cable box. That's where TiVo is a real killer app - I have two and a half seasons (and growing) of Seinfeld that I have saved in H.264 format on an external HD that is hooked up to a PC that is running Zune and TiVo Desktop, which means I can feed the file back through the TiVo whenever I want and I can watch it on my 360 in a different room. TiVo Desktop is really the only mainstream app in the marketplace that provides this kind of functionality.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 08:31
The thing about DVR's is that I cannot record my Directv shows or cannot record in HD. For that I have to buy a Directv Receiver with HD DVR capabilities. Most other DVR's only record off the air shows which isn't really that useful. The PS3 is looking good by the minutes, specially with everyone's 360 going dead. Instead of buying another 360 as backup I might just end up buying a PS3.
KingBayman's picture
Submitted by KingBayman on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 08:43
I agree with you about the PS3 looking better and better, but like you said, it'll need a hell of a price cut for me to buy it. Considering I'll generally only play offline games on it, it would have to be probably a $300 price cut before I purchase one. Mainly because I would only buy Sony exclusives for it. Everything else I would be for the 360. If for nothing else than the online community that comes with it.

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