This is what an idiot sounds like


Shared on Sat, 08/04/2007 - 07:26

Hey AT&T CEO Randall, if you actually PROMOTED your $10 DSL deal, people would be interested.  The simple fact of the matter is that downstream broadband speed means almost nothing to the average (read : non-gamer) broadband user which is basically his argument about why people don't want it.  You wonder if enough high ranking executives got in a room, they could come to an agreement that the world is flat. 

From Engadget :

CE-Oh no he didn't! Part XL: AT&T CEO says no one wants $10 DSL
Nilay Patel Aug 3, 2007 8:52 PM  -  Show original item

Filed under: Networking

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson apparently subscribes to a different school of marketing and demand than most others -- speaking with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the telecom boss flatly denied that AT&T's $10 DSL plan is hidden on the company's website, and went on to say that "customers haven't been clamoring for it," and that since the 768Kbps "user experience is not what I would consider really state of the art," he doesn't really want to sell it to anyone. Of course, customers don't usually clamor for a product that barely anyone knows is available and that requires absurd hoop-jumping just to get set up, but don't let them pesky facts get in your way, Randy.

[Via Techdirt]


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