360 bricked - what's my options?


Shared on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 16:12

Woot!  Football season is almost here.  You know what that means?  It's a damn good time to pick up last year's Madden for ridiculous prices.  I was able to pick up a copy of Madden09 yesterday for $11 bucks.  I was able to tool around with it a bit last night.  Then, this morning Video Game Karma struck out at me for violating her price sanctities. 


3 red rings.  Console born on date is May 06.  I probably bought my first console in Feb 06.  So, I am definitely over the 3 year warranty period.  Right?  Is it even worth calling Xbox support?


My Hard Drive is full and I kind of want a larger hard drive.  So, swapping out for an Arcade model is probably not an option.  I guess I should go get an Elite.  Any good freebies with those?  They all have Jasper chipsets, right? 


Tank has been speculating that they are going to price drop the Elite in a few weeks.  Should I wait a bit to see if this happens? 


Do they sell them in Green or Orange?  Black is so depressing. 


BCKinetic's picture
Submitted by BCKinetic on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 16:40
I would still call xbox. Last time mine bricked the tech made it sound like they would still be replacing boxes over the 3 year time frame. They know it's a POS machine. I would just call and bully them into giving you another one. Worst case is they replace it and you have one to sell used to help cover the cost of the Elite. Might as well try.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 18:53
Yeah I'd give it a shot.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 19:35
It wouldn't hurt to call xbox but they're most likely going to tell you it's out of warranty and it'll cost you 100 bucks plus shipping to fix it. But the don't upgrade it, the just bandaid it so it's highly likely it'll die again. I'd just get anew one that's Jasper. There's not really any reason to get an Elite unless you want the 120gb hdd. Your console doesn't have HDMI i'm assuming so the question is does your TV and or reciever do HDMI? If so when you total up the cost difference of the HD cable set and 120gb hdd that the Elite comes with, it more than makes up for the price difference. Also there's that looming price drop, the PS3 price is dropping so really it's going to happen, there are tons of indicators, leaked catalog listings, updated boxing that dont' list the Pro as an option anymore. The elite does come in Red as well as black, the red one is the resident evil model that comes with RE5. The Elite comes with two games as well but it depends on what the bundle is. There's one that comes with lego indy and kung fu panda and there's one that is a GOTY edition with two other games, bioshock and halo3 i think but i can't remember for sure. But you want to shop for a Jasper box. It needs to be made after 11/08 to be jasper, thats' the easiest thing to see in that pull out window on the box. If you willle the system around in tehre you can just barely make out the power ratings and you're looking for 12.1 amps. I'd advise you to take a pen flashlight with you, makes it easier to read down in the box. Now if you dont' want to spend 299, then you can just get an arcade model for 199 and put your hard drive on it. You'll need to do the DRM migration thing and re-download your purchased content, but that'st the only bad thing. You'll also want to buy the jasper model.
godWHYme's picture
Submitted by godWHYme on Sat, 08/15/2009 - 22:47
Check your pm, please.
Rau's picture
Submitted by Rau on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 09:04
Call microsoft. TMX had a 3 year old machine that they repaired free of cost. All he had to do was pay shipping.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Sun, 08/16/2009 - 17:36
mine bricked--it was waaaaay older then yours----and they paid!!!
godWHYme's picture
Submitted by godWHYme on Wed, 09/02/2009 - 10:52
Hey not sure if you check this one still but email me or pm me back with your status for the fantasy league.

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