Shared on Sun, 07/18/2010 - 21:15Well, here we are again on yet another rockem-sockem-robot-blog on the old 2old2play big blog board of blogging. The last time I put something here was back in March, right before I had to go on a pretty major tour through Europe and hadn't had too much time to game, so I do want to get you guys up to speed on my latest gaming shenanigans. I'm listening to the 2old2play community podcast and girdling up my loins to relate to you my XBL "exploits". Actually more like XBL "explosions". :D
Alright enough nonsense. Here's what's goin' on in my alternate life in TRON-land. Finally worked my way through all the HALO single player campaigns (HALO, HALO2, HALO3) and HALO: ODST in progress. Also completed the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 campaign with all the achievements, working on all the multiplayer achievements on this. As far as BCO1 goes, I'm only short about 8 cheevos to complete the game, so I'd like to spend some time over the next month wrapping this up. Other than that, not much really going on that's keeping me engaged.
Short poll, do you play one game until completion, or do you mix it up? I'm torn between the two. Anyway, other than that, I'm looking at a stack of games like Mass Effect, Orange Box, and a couple of others, and I'll get to them soon and give you my report, I promise.
Thanks for reading,
King Of Twang
Austin TX
P.S. Drunk blogging is a bad idea.
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Submitted by Smithcraft on Sun, 07/18/2010 - 22:23
Submitted by Automan21k on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 07:18
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 07:37
Submitted by Fish66 on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 08:03
Submitted by JuggaloJedi on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 11:40
Submitted by TKBosss on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 12:40