Ranked games in Team Slayer and Snipers


Shared on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 04:17

I have been doing primarily ranked games this week. A lot of Team Slayer and Team Snipers. I have been going in by myself to get more used to dealing with the pressure associated with a ranked game and to see how high I could go on my own. I was able to get up to a 26 in TS which is a "personal best". In Team Snipers I went from a 17 to an 18 which is probably as good as I am going to get, at least at this point. It isnt unusual for me to end up in the positive but I think my biggest problem is that I play to cautiously when I am on a team. I am going to have to figure out how to work around this.

The best game of the week would have to be the Team Sniper game on Lockout when my entire team quit as soon as the game started. I heard the other team comment on my teammates quitting on me and saying that I would quit soon—they hoped. I took this as a challenge and figured that the odds would be in my favor so I decided to finish the game out

In the post-game lobby I expected to hear a bunch of griping but about all they said in a sad tone was "You should have quit".

Team Snipers on Lockout


ladynightshade's picture
Submitted by ladynightshade on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 05:45
Awesome dude. I personally suck at snipers... but Ive come to terms with it.
WallyBR's picture
Submitted by WallyBR on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 07:40
Ha ha. You smoked those guys. That is hilarious.
Corona_Crusader's picture
Submitted by Corona_Crusader on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 08:13
nice work man!
kweenie1969's picture
Submitted by kweenie1969 on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 08:16
Awesome job!! You should be really proud of yourself. ;)
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 10:47
Holy crap! thats awesome. I won a game on Zanzibar kinda like that. It was slayer though and my guys quit as well. They had three for a while then went down to 2. After I got the lead by about 3 or 4 I went out to the beach and just hid behind that hill to the left. They never searched there LOL. I just hung out for like 3 min LOL. But in Snipers? I probably would have been toast, but you did have many more targets than they did which is a good thing.
SwankyVariable's picture
Submitted by SwankyVariable on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 01:49
that is awesome, wish I could pull that off.

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