Shared on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 14:46This is a collection of strategies from various sources. I have given credit where credit is due. If anyone wants their content removed just let me know.
Link to maps with Lockout strategic placements
Lockout Strategic Placements
eksessiv Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:38 am
There is only one key position on lockout. It's simply the BR tower. The lift has no cover. Nothing spawns on the snipe tower except the snipe once it's dropped. The BR tower has the most tactical advantage on the map. It has the sword in close quarters. You have the library window for a guy to run the combo and watch the bottom level for the guys crossing from under glass into BR1. The sniper controls the whole top part of the map on top of BR3. He has plenty of cover, and easy headshots. The other two roam back n forth between back ramps and BR 2 helping control the top, and the lift area. It's that simple. Whoever is roaming BR2 needs to have the sword. The guy in the library must never leave his position because it only takes one second for it to get messed up.
BEE Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:01 am
I've come to the conclusion that the br tower on lockout is only a good strat if you have a comfortable cushion of a about 5 kills, it relies a lot on the other team's aggression. Also, if you do hold br tower everyone needs to stay clear of br 1, it's a deathtrap. first of all it's too easy to die from grenades, and is hard for your teammates to give you cover. Also if you try to run to cover on br 2 you have to go the death ramp where the entire other team can see you. I do like br, but I like it like this.....
Very patient person in library window, aka soupnazzi(preferabbly w/noob combo), accurate br on br bridge, also covering library and under glass, good sniper roaming br 3. An aggressor, to keep other team guessing, also main communicator. I think an aggressor is what we've been missing from the pro team. Someone who can take the shorcut and kill the team from behind when their on elbow, or will drop down to br 1 to finish someone off, and then probably die themselves as they quickly try to come back up to br 2.
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Submitted by ProvingUnique on Sat, 03/03/2007 - 19:34