Shared on Sun, 02/18/2007 - 10:59My Blog is really just a place for me to put stuff which I find helpful. This info is copied from 40z forum post, so he gets all the credit for finding it. I've copied it here just so I can find it again.
40z posted: This information is available on the net if you look for it, but I thought I'd just stick it here for the lazy. Items in bold are power weapons and will not respawn until either emptied and dropped (starts the clock) or they disappear (30 seconds after dropped if not touched). The clock on power-ups (OS, Invis) begins after pick-up. Note that under MLG settings (as of 2006/01/25), these times are doubled (except for power-ups).
Sniper Rifle = 38
Shotgun = 15
Sword = 25
SMG = 30
Magnums (both) = 30
Plasma Rifle = 30
Battle Rifles (both) = 45
Needlers (both) = 30
Plasma Pistol = 30
Sniper Rifle (Main Tower) = 15
Sniper Rifle (Sniper Tower) = 1:20
SMG (by rocket launcher pad) = 1:00
SMG (by needler/some rocks) = 30
Battle Rifles (both) = 1:00
Needler = 30
Rocket Launcher = 1:15
Magnum = 1:00
Shotgun = 1:25
OS = 2:20
Plasma Pistol = 30
Sword = 15
Shotgun = 15
Plasma Rifles (both) = 1:00
Needlers (all 4) = 1:00
Carbine = 1:00
Plasma Pistol = 1:30
Battle Rifles (both) = 1:30
Ivory Tower
Rocket Launcher = 15
Sword = 15
Shotgun = 45
Battle Rifle = 1:30
Rocket Ammo = 1:10
Magnum Pistols (both) = 45
Sniper Rifle = 1:00
Plasma Pistols (all 3) = 45
SMG (both) = 30
Plasma Rifles (all 4) = 30
Carbine = 45
Needlers (all 3) = 30
OS = 1:23
Beaver Creek
Rocket Launcher = 15
Sniper Rifle = 15
Magnums = 30
Plasma Rifles = 30
Shotgun = 45
Plasma Pistols = 30
Battle Rifles (both) = 45
Needlers = 30
SMG (both) = 30
OS = 1:00
Burial Mounds
Sniper Rifle = 30
Beam Rifle = 45
Sword = 45
Rocket Launcher = 15
Shotgun = 45
Battle Rifles (Shot, Carb) = 15
Battle Rifle (Hog) = 30
Carbine = 30
SMGs = 30
Plasma Rifles = 30
Plasma Pistols = 30
Needlers = 30
Beam Rifle = 25
Shotguns = 15
Plasma Rifle (near the gravity lift) = 30
Plasma Rifle (by outer inside ramps) = 1:00
Battle Rifles = 30
Plasma Pistols = 1:00
Magnum Pistol = 1:30
Needlers = 1:00
OS = 52.5
Rocket Launcher = 35
Shotgun (Seawall) = 35
Sniper Rifle (Froman) = 40
Sniper Rifle (Seawall) = 40
Sword = 25
Shotgun (Defense) = 30
Rocket Ammo = 30
Battle Rifles (all 4) = 45
SMG (both) = 30
Plasma Rifles (all 6) = 30
Needlers (all 3) = 30
Active Camo = 1:15
Rocket Launcher = 45
Sniper Rifles = 15
Shotgun = 15
Brute Shots = 1:15
Battle Rifles (on hills) = 15
Rocket Ammos= 45
Battle Rifles (bases) = 50
Magnums = ?
Sniper Rifle Ammos = 45
Plasma Rifles = 30
Needlers = 30
Plasma Pistols = 30
PowerUps = 1:35
Rocket Launchers = 45
Sniper Rifle = 30
Beam Rifle = 30
Sword = 1:30
Brute shot = 15
Carbines = 45
Shotguns = 30
Rocket Ammo = 1:00
SMG (all) = 45
Magnums = 45
Sniper Ammos = 1:00
Plasma Rifle (defense) = 45
Plasma Rifle (Others) = 30
Plasma Pistol (Defense Stairs) = 45
Plasma Pistols (Others) = 30
Needlers = 45
Battle Rifles = 45
Active Camo = 1:27.5
OS = 1:07.5
- Krull's blog
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