Holy Schnikies!


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 18:51
The Kwazy Kompound is situated on the far north-side of Indianapolis. It also happens to lie directly under the flightpath of the a metro hospital's Lifeline air ambulance route...an item my realtor neglected to mention before we bought it. As the smaller rural hamlets to the north enjoy many "Hey y'all, watch this!" moments, it has become very familiar to hear copters flying low and fast over the house.

But rarely do they turn around.

The one that passed overhead tonight while I was eating dinner was especially loud. And as mentioned above, it circled around and was loud for the second and third times (you might imagine that this something the Lifeline craft rarely...OK, never...does). When I went out on the deck to take a look, I stared directly up at what I'm pretty sure was a FUCKING APACHE ATTACK HELICOPTER flying perhaps 150 yards off the ground. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it was. It was dark green, too small to transport anything, and absolutely bristling with very dangerous looking apparatuses underneath and on side pods. I sprinted upstairs to grab the camera, but of course it was its last time around. Suck.

In other news, I mowed the lawn for the second time of the year yesterday. Today, I grilled out for the third time of the season, sprayed for dandelions, and set up my hammock as the temperature reached the mid seventies for the third day in a row...

Fuck it, I'm calling summer officially here. Woo-hoo!


AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Thu, 04/24/2008 - 07:41
What the hell was an apache helicopter doing around your house? To many hummers to think it wasn't a make-shift training ground?
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 19:01
aw man. that's cool. One of the schools in my county just had a shinook helicopter land in it's front yard for some students, this happened last week. Those things are frigging huge.
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 19:36
That was actually the Cubans and Russians scoping out your area before they attack. (Red Dawn) ;)
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 19:45
Lucky... we had snow last weekend...I just freakin' want Spring...I have no hopes for summer.. ;)
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 19:55
"Matty! RPG!" :D Snow...still? Aren't you in Washington state?
RyanFromVegas's picture
Submitted by RyanFromVegas on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 22:36
Welcome to summer...better late than never :)
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Tue, 04/29/2008 - 23:02
I have an army apache base near me, everytime I see one, I think " What a beautiful tool of death."

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