Looney Zunes


Shared on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 15:53

This is probably old news to a lot of people, but I just heard about it today.

30GB Zune apocalypse arrives as devices enter digital coma

Anyone familiar with the company knows Microsoft doesn't innovate, but rather it copies successful or promising competitor's products:

Original Mac OS==>Widows



Netscape Navigator==>Internet Explorer



Sometimes they've been able to garner customers through improving the product, and sometimes they managed to garner customers by engaging in predatory (and oftentimes illegal) business practices. But regardless, their success is indisputable by the mountains of money reaped in the process of copy-catting.

Enter the Zune. This stillborn child of the House that Gates Built launched with essentially the same features and same pricepoint as the 30gb iPod video, Apple's marquis player at that time. The only thing offered to potential consumers to get them to eschew the iPod was a clunky wifi interface that only let owners "borrow" individual songs for a few days....you couldn't even use it for purchases or wireless syncing. And of course the Zune wasn't compatible with the 800lb gorilla that was iTunes monopoly on legal music downloads.

So very few of them sold. Prices were dropped and incentives were piled on generously. I saw players on Woot! for only $129...then two weeks later for only $99 (the people who bought them for $30 more a couple of weeks earlier understandably went ape-shit). First year sales were abysmal. Could it get worse? Yes. Microsoft last week announced that Zune sales fell 54% year over year for Q4. Yes that forth quarter...the one with the holiday buying season in it.

Then on New Years Eve, all the loyal Microsoft fans and earlier adoptors who bought the original players and dutifully updated their firmware got a belated Christmas present: a brick. Or, rather Cinderella-like, their Zunes turned into bricks at midnight. Evidently, for most the situation wasn't permenant and reset when the batteries drained. But still....jeesh!

Wonder how many New Years Eve parties ended promptly at midnight because the Zunes pigtailed into the stereos passed out early?




Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 16:34
@Tank...Have I been out=dorked. :D Would you say that the Apple Macintosh was the first computer to bring GUI to the masses? This Commodore fansite claims, "GEOS ripped-off its look-and-feel from the novel Apple Macintosh" http://www.commodore.ca/history/company/turks_geos.htm Wikipedia similarly claims it went Xerox, Apple, then Atari and Commodore: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphic_user_interface
fatLUNCH's picture
Submitted by fatLUNCH on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 16:35
But isnt this done by tons of companines already? None as big as Microsoft.. but still its done everwhere. For 1 example look at one of the posts today in the randoms section. The Slanke ===>Snuggie... same shit.. just on a smaller scale. and further more.. LOTUS NOTES SUCKS BALLS!! :P
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 16:48
I'm railing on Microsoft not for their lack of innovation, but for the lack of execution. Probably should have made that more clear. The failure rate for first batch Xbox 360's in excess of 100% is a perfect example. Bricking Zune's because they can't handle leap years is another. Lotus Notes does suck balls. Try programming in Domino sometime if you haven't already. But it does fill a nice niche in the market.
RhyoOhki's picture
Submitted by RhyoOhki on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 16:54
The main reason this happened is cause all the whining asses that demanded we get a clock on the zune. I don't even look at the clock since it is on the main screen and doesn't showup when you play music, and then you can't set it to be correct with daylight savings time. So yeah, and the games, it is an mp3 player mainly why the hell do you want games on it?
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 15:56
I remember in college all the computers I used had WordPerfect and Netscape. I didn't use Lotus much, Excel was indeed better. Windows 7 = Mac OSX
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 01/26/2009 - 16:06
I have to disagree with the first line about mac os and windows. Fact is, both were copied from Xerox's GUI operating system. Apple didn't pioneer the gui, Xerox did and both Apple and Microsoft copied it. Hell GEOS for the Commodore64 pre-dates both of them and it was GUI based with mouse/icons and what not. It wasn't good for much but it was around long before either of them.

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