Sure was her shoe that gave you dain bramage


Shared on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 14:20

I'm guessing the judge is going to bounce this case out of court like a superball:

Stripper broke my nose, lawsuit gripes


Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 21:50
Saw that too. Did you see how much the top bid was? If I'd known that, I would have saved myself. And eaten more brown rice and exercised. She's cute, but she's not all that.
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 14:54
I HAVE BEEN to this strip club!!! One of my account reps got a dance there from a girl that was built like a LINEBACKER! We fled the place in a hurry. I can sympathize with him though. If that girl hit me with her boot....I would want damages too.
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 15:33
But would you wait two years? :D
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 15:34
Your posts make me sad. And I hate lawyers. :)
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Fri, 01/23/2009 - 16:27
I found the video AFTER his video more interesting, and strange. 22 year old selling her virginity as a social experiment. Crazy.

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