Shared on Thu, 03/20/2008 - 20:57RROD Baby!
Guess what else? I've got a four day weekend. I'm off tomorrow and Monday.
Guess what else? The extended forecast is nothing but rain and snow.
Guess what else? Mrs. Kwazy is away all next week on business, leaving my evenings completely free.
F*cking great. Now I'm actually going to have to live my life instead of sitting in front of a 55" HDTV playing video games.
I was just about the only person I knew in Meatspace that didn't have my 360 fail.
And then there was none.
An especially nice item of garnish to the shi*t sandwich was when I went to email Micro$oft customer support, they had an unsigned security certificate. "Would you like to temporarily accept?"
F*cking Micro$oft attention to detail
F*cking Micro$uck Windows Vista
F*cking Micro$tuffitupyourass shitty manufacturing processes.
On a plus side, the Indian customer service rep was extremely perky and polite. In my head she looks exactly like the girl from The Darjeeling Limited.
Guess what else? I've got a four day weekend. I'm off tomorrow and Monday.
Guess what else? The extended forecast is nothing but rain and snow.
Guess what else? Mrs. Kwazy is away all next week on business, leaving my evenings completely free.
F*cking great. Now I'm actually going to have to live my life instead of sitting in front of a 55" HDTV playing video games.
I was just about the only person I knew in Meatspace that didn't have my 360 fail.
And then there was none.
An especially nice item of garnish to the shi*t sandwich was when I went to email Micro$oft customer support, they had an unsigned security certificate. "Would you like to temporarily accept?"
F*cking Micro$oft attention to detail
F*cking Micro$uck Windows Vista
F*cking Micro$tuffitupyourass shitty manufacturing processes.
On a plus side, the Indian customer service rep was extremely perky and polite. In my head she looks exactly like the girl from The Darjeeling Limited.
- Kwazy's blog
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Submitted by microscent on Tue, 03/25/2008 - 22:13
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 13:07