Why I love Amazon.com


Shared on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 20:10

Reason #312:  Obscure titles

Our family cottage has an absolute smorgasbourg of dragonflies.  Ms Kwazy has expressed an interest (as have I) in learning more about the various species native to our area.  A quick search found a field guide specific to just such a fancy: Dragonflies of Indiana.  It's an academic book of limited release an not "offically" available new at this time.

-Best price on Barnes and Noble for a USED copy:  $265.11 + Tax + Shipping

-Price I paid for a NEW copy on Amazon:   $62.99, including shipping, no tax.

-Net savings:  over $200

OK, that last statement isn't necessarily true.  There is no way in hell I would spend almost $300 bucks on any book that isn't a Hemingway first edition.  I've hard enough time spending $60, but a deal's a deal.

Once again, Amazon rocks.  Go get yourself something!


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