Shared on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 13:17"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."
I've been away from gaming for quite a while for a couple reasons--well one of them is a GOOD reason. I got my first major trade book deals this year. In fact, I got three in a matter two months. I started an illustration blog back in 2004 and wrote pretty regularly about how I dreamed of illustrating picture books for kid. I practiced and tried my best to improve as an artist year after year, and some years I hardly got any work at all. I put everything I had into this dream for very a long time, and yes it's hard to keep the momentum going without seeing results, or at least anything to write home about. I guess it helps that even if I was never paid to do this, I'd still illustrate and write because I love it so much and because it's what I'm driven to do. It's what keeps me up late at night, and makes me feel excited in the morning when a wake up. I can't imagine life without children's books and the amazing world found within them.
My very first trade book assignment came in a couple months ago from the children's book publisher, Sleeping Bear Press. The story: "The Little Green Pea". I can't share any story line details yet as per my contract. Anyways, this in and of itself was enough to keep me excited and motivated for a long time - I was walking on clouds.
A month later, another book assignment comes in from Charlesbridge called, "Raj" about a cat that lives in a library. Wow! I couldn't believe this - two books hooray! I was over the moon!
A week later, I get a trade book offer from Dutton/Simon and Schuster (!) to illustrate "Baby Moose Visits". By this time I was feeling faint! What was going on? All this work in a matter of two months?
Three fantastic stories to illustrate, what more could an illustrator possibly ask for? My biggest dream is not only realized, but bypassed. I am booked solid for a year in advance which means for once I know I have money to rely on instead of wondering from month to month what I can or can't afford
To add to this amazing year, a fourth possible contract is being discussed with a UK publishing company.
Let's just say I haven't been sleeping well recently - but it's the kind of insomnia you really don't mind. I can't begin to express how appreciative I am of the generosity friends, other artists and fans of children's literature have shown me. Thank you for all the kind comments and encouragement over the years.
- Kysr_Gal's blog
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Submitted by DixieBelle on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 13:26
Submitted by DruishPrincess on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 13:29
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 13:30
Submitted by hilskie on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 14:01
Submitted by Twisted on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 14:21
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 14:34
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 15:20
Submitted by Armorsmith76 on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 16:47
Submitted by J-Cat on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 17:10
Submitted by mrsleestak on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 17:16
Submitted by waterboy on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 18:09
Submitted by LtBlarg on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 18:55
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 19:18
Submitted by ArminK on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 19:51
Submitted by beefynutcase on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 20:20
Submitted by VenomRudman on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 21:21
Submitted by Kysr_Gal on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 12:19
Submitted by MikeJames on Sun, 07/06/2008 - 12:00
Submitted by Twisted on Sun, 07/06/2008 - 12:22
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Sun, 07/06/2008 - 15:18
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 07/11/2008 - 10:54