Amazing how something small can change your day


Shared on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 16:54
I dont know what is up with the kids today, but HOLY CRAP!!! Im lucky I dont have another broken toe. All three of them (plus beastly that I babysit) are on one today. I was almost in tears when Shakes called. I answered the phone with a growl and shakes told me to go look in the halo 3 forum. I know alot of people think that SAHMs dont really do anything but watch oprah and soaps, but I can tell you managing a department in retail seems like a dream somedays. Shakes post in that thread totally made my day. So thanks to my boy for some how knowing what I needed to hear. You might even have some dinner waiting for you when you come home ;) Love ya babe! Now lets hope that the crackdown beta works soon so that we can spend some "quality time" tonight :D


madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 20:36
With ya sister....I am a SAHM too...and whenever that topic comes up and I tell them what I do...all of sudden the room becomes very quiet. One of these times I am gonna actually say..."Yeah, I just like sit around and watch soap operas all day and eat bon-bons! Its great!" P.S. Also waiting anxiously for the Beta. Stupid Bungie!!!!!
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 16:59
I voted 4 u!!! (a little late...but I voted)

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