

Shared on Thu, 03/23/2006 - 17:43
Ouch! Got knocked out in round one of the OMM interclan tourney. We held our own in the objective games, but apparently slayer wasnt our thing.
I had a good time. I dont think I will enter in another tourney though for a while. Its just too hard coordinating times when Im west coast and everyone else is east coast. Because then I have to get on at five and thats not a good time. Because I love to play halo with a baby hanging on my arm and a husband asking where dinner is... ;)
Ive had a really good time the last few nights playing. Between taxi the pimp, meemoos, sys, and generally good rooms, its brought me out of a little slump I was in. So if you have played with me in the last week, thanks for the good games.
My three month subscription is up. Time for me to renew for a year. Thanks to shakes for introducing me to Halo and for sharing his xbox with me, and thanks to all my new friends that have kept it interesting.


Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 03:24
I have enjoyed playing with you lady, and boging down the lobey with baby talk! (you also have really improved your game play)
MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Fri, 03/24/2006 - 08:42
That was the best group of tourney matches I have been in, so thanks to you (and your team) for making it fun for all!

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