A Gushing Mommy Moment


Shared on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 12:29
My 5 year old, Andrew, learned how to ride his bike this weekend.
Shakes and I have been meaning to teach him how to ride like a "big boy" for a while, but the few other times we have tried were disasters. lol
Shakes took off the training wheels on Saturday. Andrew was crying before we even got him on the bike. "I want my training wheels! 'its too scary!' 'It will hurt!"
Both Shakes and I were wondering where our Mr fearless had gone to.
Shakes was really patient and talked him through it and not five minutes later Andrew was racing up and down the street like a pro. He was steering around the younger kids and going on and off the sidewalk.  Not a single drop of blood was spilled.
We did however have one bad moment. (it must not have been too bad since Im giggling thinking about it) Andrew ran into a parked car and all of a sudden I hear " MY PENIS!!!" and then he started howling. I know its mean of me to giggle, but damn it was funny. I had to make shakes go help him since I was laughing too hard (yes, Im a heartless bitch)
I dont know if I can handle my kids growing up like this. I know how to handle anything baby or toddler, but these big kid moments are beyond me.
Sadly we dont have any pictures of the landmark event. My in my pregnancy fog lost the camera when we were at the park last week.


ShakesItUp's picture
Submitted by ShakesItUp on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 16:22
No kissing it better. I did catch him rubbing it, though I'm not sure if that was to make it feel better or just feel good. Boys and their toys....
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 21:12
Hopefully if the swelling and scar tissue dont subside..............it makes his future bride happy! :)
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 12:32
Truly one of the great moments of raising your children is teaching them to ride a bike.
JRock3x8's picture
Submitted by JRock3x8 on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 12:33
my little redhead girl (same age) is still on training wheels. she doesn't get a lot of practice, though. congrats to the little man!
WallyBR's picture
Submitted by WallyBR on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 12:33
Good story. We're going through the same process with our 4 year-olds learning to swim without life vests. Congratulations to the little man!
WallyBR's picture
Submitted by WallyBR on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 12:35
Woah - that's kinda scary there J-Ro twenny-fo with the "little man" bit. I'm going to burn my keyboard now... ;)
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 12:42
So after the accident, which one of you had to "kiss it" to make it feel better? Please tell me it was Shakes. :)
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 13:10
They grow wayyyyyy to fast. Carson was in her first production of peter pan the other day, the pre- schoolers stole the show :)
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Mon, 07/30/2007 - 14:00
My son (8) just graduated from his "post-training wheels" bike to a big-boy bike. He can barely stand on his top toes with it, but rides it well. My 6 year old daughter got off of her training wheels this pat spring. The 4 year old is still running them hard core though. :)

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