Its broken!


Shared on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:05
I cut my three year old's fingernails this morning. I cant grow my nails at all- they just rip and peal, but the kids grow some beautiful fingernails.
Anyway, I cut his nails and ten minutes later he comes to me and says
"Its broken Mom!"
"Whats broken?"
"My finger!" (which at this point I assume he is talking about his smashed finger)
"do you need a kiss?"
and he shows me his pointer finger (his middle finger is the broken one)
I give it a kiss anyway and ask him how its broken.
He then sticks it up his nose, diggs it around, then pulls it out and shows me his slimey, yet boogerless finger.
"See mom! It's broken, I cant get the booger! "

And yes, I realize I just kissed that finger- blech


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 13:38
That's as good as the dog drinking out of the toilet just before you get home, then comes running and licks you face and such when you walk in the door.
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 14:43
LMHO - Classic parenthood! :D
GBPackerNut's picture
Submitted by GBPackerNut on Sat, 03/01/2008 - 10:38
good stuff, my finger is broke :)
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:07
oh wow. That is some real love there.
Flying_Saffa's picture
Submitted by Flying_Saffa on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:09
I have a 3 and a half year old. Don't you just love it?!?!?!
NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:20
LtBlarg's picture
Submitted by LtBlarg on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:24
PWNED by a 3 year old !!!
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:27
Shakes called and said his pointer was broken as well. Ready yourself. :lol:
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:28
bwahahaha.. As soon as my oldest nephew was old enough I taught him the 'zipper accident' prank...I just wished I had a camera then to catch my sis giving that boo-boo kiss! She was a lot smarter when the younger one tried it a few years later.
kevtek17's picture
Submitted by kevtek17 on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:29
i hate it when my booger picker breaks too.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 12:33
ROFL. You ruined a perfectly good finger. Way to go mom.

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