My Dad's Hands


Shared on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 01:47

My dad was helping his mom in the yard when he was 1 1/2. He went inside and washed the dirt off his hands, but this was back in the day when water heaters were stoked in the mornings and not automatic. So Since it was mid morning the heat was going full blast and the water had time to get boiling hot. He turned the water on full hot and stuck his hands in the water. Grandma didnt hear him because she was still out in the yard. He went into semi shock and sat in his room wimpering until Grandma came in a while later. He spent most of his single digit years in hospitals getting numerous skin grafts. This also was a few years before penicillin was invented, so he had some doosy infections that made him lose the tips of his fingers on his right hand. The tendons in his left hand have shortened and froze, so the closest he gets to a "point" is a 90 degree angle.

My Dad was a logger for a few years, but mostly his profession was being a Mechanic. In his spare time he was also an avid Rock Climber and Mountainer. He was the right age to fight in vietnam, but they wouldnt let him because of his hands. I find this ironic since his main hobby through the years has been collecting and shooting guns. He has never let his hands hold him back. As a kid I was always in awe of his hands because of their strength. There wasnt a jar he couldnt open. I have big hands and his dwarf mine. His knuckles are a good 3/4 inch wider than mine when we compare fists. He also wears a size 22 wedding ring. Kids at church used to ask him what happened to his hands. He always gets this mischievious glint in his eye and tells them some far flung tale. I think the favorite is how he was chewing his nails one day and he forgot to stop. Since he has always been this way I dont really see his hands anymore. Every once in a while something will happen and my eyes will reopen to the fact that his hands are special.

My Dad is getting up there in years. 70 isnt too far off. Another one of his friends died this last week (not the first either) and He has just been diagnosed with his second face off with Cancer. (luckily its a fairly good one to have if you have to have it) My parents were visiting my sister this last week and she pulled out the camera and took some pictures of his hands. He was embarrassed of them as a kid so his natural posture is to hide them. He puts them behind his back or crosses his arms and puts his hands under his arms so they arent visable. Because of this they arent documented well. There are only a handful of photos of his hands from his entire life. So when I found out she did this I was thrilled.

I love his hands. They are stubborn and strong and sensitive in some spots and tough as leather in others. Just like my dad.





BasBleu's picture
Submitted by BasBleu on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 04:29
This is a beautiful blog and the black and white photos of his hands are absolutely lovely and gritty. I hope you save this story and photos in a family album...It truly is a wonderful illustration of life and obstacles overcome.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 06:17
+ many 1's .... Bravo
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 07:47
They are hands your father should be proud of. The black and whites are beautiful.
Phantom_Sol's picture
Submitted by Phantom_Sol on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 09:38
Awesome. I love the creative stories about what happened. My grandfather shot his thumb off, and I think I believed until I was about ten that you'd end up with a nub like his if you sucked your thumb.
Hunturic's picture
Submitted by Hunturic on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 18:28
Thanks for was an unexpected blessing to see this.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 22:04
What awesome pics! They are truly great. Thanks for sharing the story and the pics.

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