My love affair with Halo


Shared on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 15:06

I didnt discover Halo until Shakes started playing in 2005. So a good way into the reign of Halo 2. I started playing myself in December of '05. To be honest, Im not a FPS gamer. I played bond for hours on end, and now I have played Halo 2 & 3 for hours on end- but the actual game type isnt my cup of tea. Anyone that has played with me knows that Im not that good with slayer games. However I am usually top of the list in objective games. My KtD ratio sucks, but I have mvp lol. I play mostly because I love you guys.  Some of my favorite people in the last five years live "inside my TV/computer."  In fact I give credit to the members of 2o2p for the fact that I still have some mental sanity. Being able to turn on Halo 2 at 7:05 (kids bedtime is 7 lol) and BS in halo carried me through the years of Shakes working full time and schooling fulltime. You all were my adult interaction after spending the day with three kids all under 5.  You all sent me invites even though I sucked, and occasionally screamed "get your butt back in bed" into your headphones (I dont miss the old mute functions on the old headsets.) I havnt played with many of the people on my friends list since H2 died but I can think of kicking them off because each of the names makes me smile.

Sadly Im just not very good at FPS. Halo is playable for me because of the friends and because it is pretty. Yes, I said the "P" word. I like the bright colors and the pretty open feilds. Even the badguys are pretty. The banshees and ghosts are a nice purple and each of the races are even a nice pretty color. lol (I can hear you all wincing) The scenery alone in the MP maps is worth taking ten minutes with a sniper scope to check out.  I have tried to play some of the other games, but I just cant get into the muted colors and the lack of nice things to look at. Plus Im sold on MC. I like master chief because he is a good guy. His whole exsistance is to save the human race. (plus he has a darn sexy voice)

Shakes and I pulled out Halo 1 this weekend and played it for most of the day. Its just a great game. Whats funny is that I most always skip the library. Not because its hard (because it is) but because its one of the only levels that isnt pretty. lol
Halo2 got me hooked playing the game, but halo 1 sold me the halo world. With out halo 1 I would have never read the books and become the fan girl I am. Halo 3 has its faults- but because it was already an old friend when it was released I am able to look past the flaws and enjoy the game for what it is.

Im an odd gamer because I get attatched to my games. It isnt just the game Im playing. Its the friends I have met and the good times I have had while playing it. Which is probably why I have a hard time putting my old favorite games down. Why should I invest in a new FPS when I have one that I already have a history with. Its hard to see all my friends moving on to bigger and better games. I know there are more great games out there. But its so hard when I have limited gaming time to put the money and effort into a new FPS franchise when I still enjoy the one I am playing. I would probably be happy if we were all still playing cat and mouse every night on coag still. I know that one day I will have to move on. I miss my friends that already have, but right now Im still having a hard time moving past my love affair with Halo.



hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Thu, 03/19/2009 - 19:12
@Armorsmith - I miss those days too! When H3 came out and people griped and complained...I just wanted to tell them to suck it up, and enjoy killing each other. I may have once or twice, but I can't be sure. ;)
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 15:17
I'm a Halo addict also so I know where you are coming from. You are correct that Halo is pretty. The level of detail is amazing and it does have a very vibrant color pallette unlike most other games. The story (games and books) is one of the best ones out there today. Don't be a stranger if you see any of Antiquity in Halo, just ask for an invite if we haven't gotten you guys one yet.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 15:18
just move on to Oblivion all ready an let the RPG'ness out. You know you want to test the other RPG waters like Mass Effect & Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 15:19
char's picture
Submitted by char on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 15:50
Lady, I just saw your other blog and wanted to say how adorable you two are. Happy Anniversary to both of you.
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 16:25
Ya know, I've always avoided the boards on the games with the flood too...I never really thought it was anything about it being pretty though. However looking back I have to wonder...nah, I think its just because those boards can be trying. :)
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 17:27
I totally agree with everything you said!! I LOVE Halo3 and I don't want to give it up....and I HATE seeing everyone moving on to other games, because I don't get to play with them anymore....but I can't bring myself to really even try anything else. Halo3 just has everything I want, why be greedy and go after more? lol
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 17:39
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 17:56
Ahhh, I remember our nap time gaming days. I miss the time but I enjoy employment. Miss you too Red.
Armorsmith76's picture
Submitted by Armorsmith76 on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 20:48
Back in the day (h2) the ONLY game worth playing was halo 2. The clan function kept everybody together and close. Clan night lasted for hours, with multiple rooms running at or near capacity...those days are gone. Nowadays, too many other games to play, dillute the mix, distract the players. Too many folks log on for a required game or two, then leave to play something else. As you said, many have moved on completely. My friends list has lots of people on it, but only about 1/3 are in Halo I miss the old days too...

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