Six Months


Shared on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 18:45
Today is my 6 month anniversary of  playing halo. Time flies when you are having fun huh. I still suck, but Im coming to grips with it lol.
just a little over view of the past few months...
My top ten most played games with are

  1. Shakes ------------------------700
  2. Moesley ----------------------- 284
  3. LBsutke------------------------262
  4. Xero 70------------------------ 239
  5. GrimReaper BTB------------228
  6. Meemoos--------------------- 195
  7. Q 0047 ------------------------ 172
  8. Gaara-------------------------- 157
  9. CarbonChemist-------------128
  10. A Burn ------------------------- 123

I have been on the red team 1118 games and the blue team only 362 ( I guess I really am "Red" )
I have played a grand total of 2482 games
and from my stats, I like to hit people in the back of the head and I dont like killing alot of people at once lol.

Anyway, thanks for the good times and putting up with my lack of kills. Its been fun.


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