*stepping up on soapbox*


Shared on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 12:42

This is a recent cover of Babytalk. Any of you that have small children probably have had this magazine in your house at one time or another. Its free, and you usually end up on their mailing list from your ped or OB's office. I dont read it since I am on kid four and most of the "information" in it is pretty trivial and its pages of adds out number those articals 4 to 1. However this cover has caught my attention. Its a boob. A boob with a baby attatched to it. outragious concept huh. There is no nipple,  just the side shot of a boob. You would see more boob in a cosmo,  in red carpet pictures, or from what some women wear to the mall.  You would think that a nursing baby on the front of a "baby talk" cover wouldnt be all that shocking, but apparently it is Porn. The magazine has received more than 700 letters — more than for any article in years. Why am I posting this here instead of my mommy oriented blog? Because everyone that reads that one agrees. Most anyone here is probably oblivious that this is even a discussion.  A large percentage of the 700 letters sent in were in outrage. A mother of a 14 year old shredded the cover, a mother of a 4 month on declared it "gross", and others admonished babytalk for putting "porn" on the cover.
I am in no way a "lactavist." The thought of nursing past a year kinda grosses me out.  However, I have no problem if that is the goal of another mom. After all, the WHO and the AAP suggest nursing now untill two. Im not that big of a fan of the AAP, but the combination of the two is very powerful. (world health organization and the American acadamy of pediatrics.)   My problem is the propaganda that nursing in public, or a picture of a mother nursing  is  porn.  (BTW, nursing in public in legal in all 50 states.) Im sick of the fact that I can go to the mall and see women in daisy dukes and halter tops and no one bats an eye, but a women feeding her child is disgusting. What a perverted mixed up world we live in!
Both of these blogs are written by men.
Rattling the Kettle
The Snowshoe
Both of them are able to see Nursing for what it is. A way, the most healthy way, to feed a child.
I have no problem with women that cant or wont nurse. I understand completely that it doesnt work and isnt some women's cup of tea. Im amazed though in this world of Political correctness that the way that women have fed their children for eons of time has turned into a sexual, and unacceptable thing. Some of the biggest advocates of this view, are women that have had babies themselves.
We are one of the only countries in the world that this is a problem in. in Europe no one bats an eye over it. Any second and third world country you will see it as common place. Hell last year I saw a picture of a women in venezuela multitasking by shaking the president of her countries hand and nursing at the same time.

Anyway, I dont know where I am going with this. Just that I am bothered that so many people see it as such a horrible thing. God forbid a women feeds her baby in the same place that you feed yourself.  Whether you belive that god designed us that way, or that we evolved this way, simply, this was decided the best way to feed children.
Get over yourselves, and just let the poor babies be fed!


LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 17:07
"I really don't care to explain why some lady has her engorged breast in a new-born's mouth any more than I care to explain to them why two men are feeling each other up and tongue kissing on the street. Now - that's hyperbole, but it examplifies the point." Oh wow. did you really just compare homosexuality with Breast feeding? I would ask you what cave you just crawled out of, except that if you were a cave man you would realise how important a mother nursing a child is. So let me get this straight- Telling your daughter about the proper function of a breast would bother you. You would rather have her think that they are only to be played with and showed off and have no real function? "daddy, why am I getting these bumps on my chest?" "so that someday some lucky guy can get off by playing with them" Its not the womens fault that men have become obbsessed with porn, and they cant get their mind out of their pants long enough to realise the real function of a body part. Just because MEN have sexualised breasts, my child shouldn't have to eat in the nasty public bathroom, or wait the thirty minute drive home. Its people like you that perpetuate this whole view. If more people did tell their daughters and their sons about what boobs are really about then this wouldn't be a problem. Instead our children are pumped up by their own parents and the media that sexy is the highest praise, and that big tits (fake, not functional, heaven forbid they sag a little) are something to shoot for.
Tactica's picture
Submitted by Tactica on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 20:17
"Oh wow. did you really just compare homosexuality with Breast feeding?" ==> No, you did That. ==> What I said was that each are acts of public display, or exposure if you like, which are out of the norm and not generally accepted in American society proper. Neither display is something I wish to try and explain to a child that cannot comprehend the significance of either act. Their minds simply are not ready for such concepts. To a child, its simply a part that's normally clothed now in the open. Moreover, its in that kids mouth. A curious child may even try to mach it - out of curiousity. Their are numerous cases of children mimicing what they seen mommy and daddy doing - even if they don't understand why they were doing it. Remember playing Dr. or House anyone? ==> In my example - of which you'll call I noted as being exaggeration in the first place - A child will see either act and will have a reaction that will impact them psychologically on some scale. They simply are not ready for such sensory input. They cannot process the significance for what it truly is yet. ==> Its not sheltering or making something preverse, its doing a parent's job of exposing certain things to them at a certain age. There's a reason why children do not have sex education at k-5 grade. "I would ask you what cave you just crawled out of, except that if you were a cave man you would realise how important a mother nursing a child is." ==> And I could ask you several insulting questions, but I won't because it does neither of us any good and I don't wish to get into an illogical debate. So, I'll move on and ignore that last bit. "So let me get this straight - Telling your daughter about the proper function of a breast would bother you." ==> Your statement assumes I agree with your premis. First, "the proper" intersting choice of words. ==> Second, you assume that I'm opposed to telling my daughter about one of the breast's functions. Nursing that is. ==> I'll dispose the second first. No, I'm not opposed to telling her about nursing, I'm just opposed to telling them about it before they can comprehend the full scope of its meaning. Further causing curiousity and more questions, all leading back to sexuality is not something I care to expose my daughter to before I feel she's ready for such concepts. I believe I'm fully within my rights to have such a perogative. ==> Moving back to your first point, you describe a singular use and function to be proper. You furhter imply that all other uses are therefore improper. Hmm... ==> Many women are turned-on by the gentle caress of the bosom, the playful tug of the nipple. Some claim it to be an area of dlectable sensations comprised of one or more errgenous zones. Some would dare say that these are just as proper uses of the breast as feeding. In fact, we can go back to any period in time and yield proof of just that fact. I find it interesting that you feel there is a singular proper use of the breast. "You would rather have her think that they are only to be played with and showed off and have no real function?" ==> Did you really think this was what I was saying? If so, you've made a grave mistake and misunderstanding in my statement above. No father would wish such things of his daughter. I don't know whether to be offended at your accusation... "daddy, why am I getting these bumps on my chest?" "so that someday some lucky guy can get off by playing with them" ==> ...or appalled at your ignorance here. "Its not the womens fault that men have become obbsessed with porn, and they cant get their mind out of their pants long enough to realise the real function of a body part. " ==> The real function... hmm... singular expression again. Well, to each his / her own I suppose. ==> So, which came first, the baby or the women? One does wonder if the first women was fonded - or enjoyed being fondeled, prior to conception. Perhaps to entice is once use which encourages procreation, after all, if we were not attracted to you all - the race would come to an abrupt end - could it not be that we were hard wired to be attracted to certain jiggles and curves? Could it not be that the same desire you accuse us of was not part of the intended design? Perhaps to stimulate is a second use, so that the women actually has an use for the body part when not nursing, after all - she's probably only nursing for 2-3 years in total out of her life of 80+ years. Seems an awful folly ot have a body part that has a singular purpose for such a short time. then of course, there's the nursing element. "Just because MEN have sexualised breasts, my child shouldn't have to eat in the nasty public bathroom, or wait the thirty minute drive home." ==> Wow, there's a couple issues here - none of which I care to get into frankly. Again, you make some assumptions here. Nobody knows whether women first teased or men first were enticed - however, neither have anything to do with where a child eats. You are free to do as you wish, lawfully, within your own home. However, when you are in public, as soon as you infringe upon the rights of others - there are laws of society regional cultures that govern. "Its people like you that perpetuate this whole view." ==> Again, you attack. I could say, "its people like you that affirm my opinion - and further strengthen the majority viewpoint in the US - but where does that get me, nowhere. I'm not hear to insult you. I thought you were looking for conversation on the topic - not an emotional argument. I'm becoming sorry that I responded to your BLOG. I thought you were looking for opposing input and alternate perspectives - perhaps I was mistaken. "If more people did tell their daughters and their sons about what boobs are really about then this wouldn't be a problem." ==> Ineresting opinion. "Instead our children are pumped up by their own parents and the media that sexy is the highest praise, and that big tits (fake, not functional, heaven forbid they sag a little) are something to shoot for." ==> I know many parents that would take offense to being accused of such nonsense. ==> Media and marketing on the other hand are something completely different. Its no secret that sex sells. ==> Science also supports us being hard wired to sexual awareness. There are numerous studies that show that the mind is nowhere near as acutely aware of visual stimulation than when viewing the opposite sex if hederosexual, or the same sex when homosexual. That is - on the subconcious level mind you. ==> Without going into great detail, there's a scientific sommunity and more than one accreditted study proving there's more to it than the media and parental influences at young ages. However, we are all entitled to our opinions. ==> Good day to you.
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 14:30
Sorry if I offended you at all. I honestly didnt mean to. What can I say, Im a hormonal pregnant redhead, I get a little worked up sometime. We can agree to disagree. Im just glad that the law is on myside.
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 12:49
I protest that the tips of bottles are called nipples. That's disgusting. That word should be banned in any context dealing with a child. obviously joking
AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 14:34
Some people are just so stubbornly ignorant! I agree with you 100% that it is not porn and that it is completely natural. Obviously with breast feeding in public people are discrete as getting your breasts out in public is not an everyday occurance. The only people that get offended are usually those that find most things in life offensive and usually those who sue for getting burned by coffee because they were not told it was hot. Come on, shredding the cover!? the woman needs anger management. Anyways, great blog. This is just an opinion of a niave 26yr old husband who has no children and cant spell, so take everything i say with a pinch of salt. :D
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 15:38
Great blog, Lady. I agree that there is no way that should be considered porn, ESPECIALLY by women. Maybe it's the result of women who see their own breasts as sex objects and not the milk producing assets of a mother. Just my 2 cents worth!
DixieBelle's picture
Submitted by DixieBelle on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 16:15
In our society breasts are important to most folks only in a sexual way. Yes, there is "pleasure" involved with breasts, but functionality can be important, too-- like a fine automobile. My parents and in-laws were absolutely against me nursing my children. It was "embarassing" to them. Imagine my feelings of revenge when a friend spilled an entire bottle of expressed milk on the in-laws couch while feeding my daughter! I am exceedingly modest and I NEVER let it all hang out in public, but when a baby is hungry, that baby is hungry. And women who don't nurse seem to be more vocal than men about the subject (hence, 700 letters to the magazine). I know that nursing is not for everyone, and I accept that. But, I chose to and that does not make me a porn star or exhibitionist, either.
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 16:33
Hmmm....last time I checked boobies were invented before bottles and formula?! Nursing is a natural part of life. Some people are just way too preoccupied with stupid stuff. They should focus their time and energies on something that can actually be productive to society; like volunteering at a shelter or soup kitchen. Nice blog .
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 01:16
People with the mentality that this is porn are a drain on the cleavage of society!!!!!:)
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Tue, 10/31/2006 - 15:03
I agree, it's not porn, but just nature and it's nothing that should be shunned. But... am I bad for liking it?
Jmarps's picture
Submitted by Jmarps on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 11:53
As Peter Griffin would say..."Check out that side-boob." Sorry, had to. Don't hate me...
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 12:02
Excellent blog. Americans are stupid, what can I say? Most of those people probably wouldn't care if their children watched an action movie where people were gunned down by the dozens yet breast feeding is porn. Whatever.
Tactica's picture
Submitted by Tactica on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 12:56
I'm sorry, I gota say the obvious. If a I was the guy talking to the lady in the venezualan post above, I'd have a hell of a time looking at her eyes or not smiling. Heh, look at the guy in the background - he might be looking at her. Its right up there with a guy grabbing his crotch and adjusting in front of an audience. Its just not something you do out of courtesy to others - even if things are pinched! + + + Let's face it - boobs are erotica to many/most men - its just that simple. Women know it and use it, like a weapon. Clevage anyone? Most married men do not want their wives feeding in public for the same reason. Public nudity is just that - whether you are feeding a child, taking a leak, washing - whatever, showing T&A is nudity. It should not be done in public IMO *if* you don't want people to gauk, notice, smile at your tit, think inappropriate thoughts, or shield their child's eyes. + + + I have three young daughters. They don't know where baby's come from yet. They still believe in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy. Its adolesent innocense. It allows them to be children and carefree. That's a good thing by most measures. I really don't care to explain why some lady has her engorged breast in a new-born's mouth any more than I care to explain to them why two men are feeling each other up and tongue kissing on the street. Now - that's hyperbole, but it examplifies the point. There are certain things that are not openly welcomed by all ages and by all people - out of courtesy, its good to do those things behind closed doors. + + + Now, regards to porn? No, I don't think its porn at all. That's overreacting and exaggeration to say the least. Its healthy, its advocated by many doctors, and like Red, I agree - past 1 years of age starts getting wierd. I mean come on, if the kid can walk up to you, lift your shirt and say, "Mommy, I hungry, gim'me booby" its getting way funky. The last thing any mom wants is for her child to remember sucking on her body. The last thing any adult wants - is to REMEMBER sucking on their mom. Some kids have memories from 2+. + + + As far as putting it on a magazing cover - well, that depends upon your audience. After all, if you subscribed to it - then I suppose you should expect it. I would expect 'baby talk' to cover everything from conception through whatever age they are no longer considered 'babies'. So whether they are showing the most productive 'positions' to how things travel, whether the baby lives, how it exits, problems associated with all the above, through post birth, events that have to happen while 'in the stirrups' and how the baby develops, how mom heals, and body changes the mom should expect, best care practices for baby, etc, etc, etc. For me - I'm a guy. Maybe I'm just looking at things a bit too black and white or matter of fact. Perhaps a cover like this was meant to generate just this kind of public response though too. Any time you get an audience of women together - getting them all to agree on the same perspective has its own challenges. Each will have a differing opinion. Emotions are guaranteed to cloud the issue. Compound that with new mom's whom which have chemicals off the charts in their body... heh, its amazing someone didn't go postal on the edittor now that I think about it. LOL Cheers, Tac
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 14:09
Oh NOES!! A booby! Whatever. Babies like boobies too. Big deal.
Tactica's picture
Submitted by Tactica on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 00:05
Thank you for the follow up. Its an important topic with many rammifications on either side. I feel there are valid issues on both sides of the coin. I definitely encourage nursing and do not consider it gross on any level. Its actually a very beautiful thing, but in my opinion also a private thing. Best wishes to you, your family and the pregnancy,
Submitted by RIGHT_WINGAMER on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 13:55
My wife got yelled at by a raging bitch in a mall for breastfeeding. This was by the bathrooms on a bench with the bathroom/bench in it's own hallway. This is a very touchy subject. However that(feeding)was their(hoobs)INTENDED purpose...society turned them into sexual objects. I'm a firm believer in breastfeeding...ask the bitch in the mall my point of view. Clearly her husband wanted nothing to do with me either, maybe I made a scene..haha anyway, it's not pornfolks it is nurturing and if my kids ask what is going on I'll tell them the truth not the perversion. The profound amount of stupidity in the American public never ceases to amaze me!
Neks0ne's picture
Submitted by Neks0ne on Wed, 11/15/2006 - 14:26
HI....I rarley comment on blogs....But that guy "Tac" up there.....man, Im just gonna go ahead and say it, you're an ass. I am 100 percent with biorod, and most of the peopel who responded. Its seriously an "american" thing. Just like John Ashcroft covering the Lady Justice's exposed breast. I guess it was to much "pornagraphy" We opress sexuality so much in this country we create sexual deviance.
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 14:34
My 3 year old knows all about feeding babies, in fact she puts her little doll in her arms in just the right position to breast-feed. She also knows how baby animals feed because we take her to farms and the zoo. Educating my kids is both rewarding and fun. Some people need their heads examined, I hate the "man made is better" mentality (formula sucks folks, dispite what he brochure says, do the research and you will find out). We all know nature is better; it’s tried and true. If you have a problem with breast-feeding mothers, anywhere, private or public, go see a therapist, you need one. ohh well, my kids are getting a health start, I hope yours are, do what you want, just don't ever try to tell me or my wife not to feed our kid and we will all get along ;)

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