A Vent


Shared on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 12:46

Here is my whiney vent for the day. Sorry, it has nothing to do with gaming and is more on the mommy/female side of things- but its been eating at my brain all weekend.
I hate it when people make judgements without all the information.
I post on a few "mommy" boards. And on one of them this weekend a chick posted that she needed help talking to her sister. Apparently her sister has decided on a homebirth for her first child. Chick thinks that sister is "too small" to give birth on her own, and that sister is being naive and stupid. Sister works at a Midwifes office and sisters mother is a midwife. So chick is sure that sister has been brainwashed and doesnt realize how much danger she is putting herself in. How can she convince sister not to do it blah blah blah.

I personally have my babies with midwifes at hospitals because that is what I am comfortable with. However, I did my research when making that decision and I know that while there might be a catastrophic emergency where you or your baby could die in route to the hospital, that statistically its safer to give birth at home with a midwife. The US has a 30+% rate of cesarean sections, (highest in world) highest OBGYN use, highest hospital births, but has the SECOND HIGHEST infant mortality rate and top five maternal mortality rate in the western world. Sweden has the highest midwife rate and the highest homebirth rate and has the LOWEST infant mortality rate in the world.

I honestly dont care how you get your baby here. If being knocked out and having surgery where they cut through all the layers of muscle in your abdomen is your cup of tea then knock yourself out. I just get SO SICK of people thinking and saying that if you use a midwife that your being so unsafe and that your baby is going to die and how irresponsible of you. blah blah blah. But dont bat an eye when someone says they are getting induced a week before their due date because the doctor says their baby is "too big".
Over all Im just amazed at how many women know NOTHING about the process of birth. Its one of the life changing events in their life and they dont even know exactly what a cervix is. They blindly lay on a table on their back not feeling their legs with synthetic hormones getting pumped into them and they dont understand why they stall out, babys heart rate drops and they end up with an Emergency C/S, and then they sing praises to their doctor for saving their babies life.
Please dont think I am knocking epis,  Ceasarean Sections, all OBGYNs or any of that. They are all amazing advances in medicine and have their place and time. I just wish that people would find out the risks, become educated, and stop telling me how dangerous my way is when they dont understand the risks of the way they are doing it.
And heaven help the next man that tells me that "only an insane woman would give birth naturally" He might discover how insane I truly am.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 12:59
Um wow this was a loaded vent.. Read it all an just wow. Have a good night please.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 13:04
first of....eww... second....my cousin has 8 so far (I think it's 8, I can't keep track anymore..) but her last 3 were delivered at home, by herself. now granted if she didn't know what she was doing after the 4th then she wasn't paying enough attention, but still, she doesnt' even go to the hospital after the births anymore....so while I understand where you are comming from (still...eww...) people can still take it too far.
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 13:11
oh I totally agree Automan. Stupid is stupid no matter what. Im also not saying one way is better for everyone. I just wish people would do some research before they open their mouth.
Bodaget's picture
Submitted by Bodaget on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 14:06
We have 3 kids, 1st was epi hospital, 2nd was c/s (she was breach) and 3rd was natural at home with a midwife. 3rd birth was the least painful and easiest and most comfortable for everyone. Midwife's give awsome care and know more about the birth process (and take a lot of time to talk with there patients about it) then most Dr.s. I don't know why or when in our history we got away from natural birth, I wish more people would do there own research and do whats best for baby! not there own self centered wants!
Zikan's picture
Submitted by Zikan on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 15:13
Lucky for us, all our kids were found under cabbage leaves. People will always feel obligated to offer the worst advice vehemently. Don't know why, it just seems human nature. At least with an Internet forum you can mark the thread as read and move on.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 19:13
The only at home births I think are totally stupid are the ones without a midwife... there is a movement where the husband (or even the woman giving birth) handles hte stiuation. Which: unless you man has training, seen an effload of births or whatever... like HE will be in any position to help! I had the Epi route with Erica. It was not an easy birth at all... I was actually completely prepped for a C section but was able to get her out on the last push. She was a forceps baby... but the doctor was amazing... not one mark on her. In fact she looked like a C-Section baby... wasn't squished much at all. People should aslo check their local hospitals. Teh CSection rates can vary wildly. Mine had a fairly hig Csection rate, but that's cause it's close to the kids hospital, and they send the problem births there. Anyway: I wouldn't be comfortable with an at home birth, but a midwife at the hospital... now that sounds perfect to me!
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 19:46
Damn! If I was your age I'd be popping babies out all the time (drug free). I would be dead (along with my babies) if medical technology wasn't so advanced. --me, RH neg-- 1st baby-- Breech baby, preclampsia 2nd baby-- Placenta previa/placenta abruption I'd go with a mid-wife in my next life : )
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 13:08
This topic is representative of anything, really. If a decision is incongruent with the social norm, people frown on it and do so with little or no knowledge.

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