Late winter thaw, the dog and insemination!


Shared on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 12:17

Each year at this time I honestly think it's time to put my dog down....or at least I wishing we never had a dog that is. Today the temp is already close to 30 and what little snow we've had on the ground is beginning to evaporate, leaving behind large mounds of doggy doo that is laying around our front yard like a mine field, waiting for some poor unsuspecting fool ,such as myself, to set off a chain reaction of explosions that will eventually be tracked into the house...making Momma Ziggs very angry.

Often times this winter the beast would eat her own poo....something I would get so upset with due to the fact this really tends to make things even more messy in the middle of the night, when her tummy opts to let it all out....on our livingroom floor. Now thats a sight and smell I wish upon nobody.

Seeing how today is presidents day and my youngest boy has no school....and the fact that he's always bored, I've given him the task of clearing the mind field. Sometimes I realize just how lucky I was to have inseminated my ex wife not once but twice!

Ok, time for more coffee and a check on the second child and his front yard duities.


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